Officer slapped to the floor at RBPF meeting…Officers phone tapped



Nassau, Bahamas — News coming from the High Command in the Office of the Commissioner of Police tells us, that a senior police was slap to the floor for tapping the phones of his colleagues. Our deep throat on the Royal Bahamas Police Force tell us the secret service of Hubert ‘MUGABE’ Ingraham has now polarized the institution and is causing it to fall apart.

Information coming to BP confirms that Mugabe approved the phone tapping of several senior police officers, including; Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ellison Greenslade, and Assistant Commissioner of Police for Crime and Intelligence, Raymond Gibson. It appears Mugabe’s goons are on a witch-hunt to find something on a list of hardworking officers.

Bahamas Press’ deep throat confirmed that all telephone home, office, fax, and cell communications of both men were being monitored for weeks. Additionally all email communication were monitored as well.

“We cannot believe what is happening on the force, this is serious. In fact this is illegal, officers spying on their bosses, ordered by someone in the Executive? All across this country crime is rising at incredible levels, and yet Ingraham is sending the police to monitor their own? Men like Greenslade? What is this!? our deep throat questioned.

Following his discovery of the phone tapping operation, it was learned that ACP Greenslade, a highly respected and decorated officer, lost his cool in a high command meeting and ‘pimpslapped’ to the floor, Assistant Commissioner for Management and Support Services, Quinn McCartney, for carrying out the illegal tapping instruction on officers. If BP had its way, we would’ve also delivered a ‘pimpslap’ to the COP, Reginald Ferguson, for authorizing the secret operation against his own men.

At a time when the blood of murdered men or women is constantly poured onto the streets of the country every 20 hours. When violence, chaos and mayhem rock communities. When children are being raped in schools by teachers all around our islands. At a time where a robbery occurs every :30 seconds here in The Bahamas, you would think Mugabe and his goon squad would rather utilize their time and energies monitoring criminals and not good police officers!

BP is appalled by this latest news and wonders to what length will Mugabe go to destroy the dignity of officers. This year he forced the retirement of young officers at age 55 and left in place a 62 year-old political appointee to head the organization. And now today he asserts his COMMUNIST/DICTATORSHIP ways on decent public officers in an attempt to trash them out? This is insane!

We also now know Mugabe offered the High Commission to Canada post to Greenslade following the end of his training late last year. Readers would remember Greenslade had returned to The Bahamas following one year of training in Canada. At the time Ingraham advised the country he was sending Greenslade and Marvin Dames off to eventually take over the organization, but once again that was another LIE being purported by a man who said he means what he says. Greenslade we now know declined the offer and stated in response he is not train in diplomacy, but is known for combating crime.

Why is Mugabe going to such lengths to get Greenslade out of the RBPF? What is Ingraham afraid of? Is he death scared of the approaching fact, that one day, Greenslade will tap into his good training from Canada and begin investigating politicians? Perhaps he’s afraid the good standing officer will look into his TREASONOUS WAYS and open an investigation in the future. Ingraham knows Greenslade is the man the public wishes to head the crime fighting organization, and he knows just what the public wishes to do with him [Mugabe].

MUGABE! get ready for the Bank Lane shuffle, cause you next!


The WICKED ways of Robert Mugabe now being modeled by his twin, Hubert Ingraham. Ingraham has politicized the Royal Bahamas Police Force, and today he has ordered the monitoring of every cell phone call, and email on citizens here in The Bahamas! WELCOME TO HUBERT’s NEW POLITICAL ORDER!


  1. @Objective thought

    I have to admit I like Mr. Ingrahams direct style but Mr. Ingraham has done some really wrong stuff in this country over the years, some I think we have yet to feel the consequences for. He covers for it with his direct, unapproachable, “don’t question me” demeanor. When I say wrong I mean stupid, not illegal. Mr. Greenslade is the obvious choice for COP and I think he would do a good job and the force may even find its way back to be an honourable institution but AGAIN as always good common sense will fall prey to politics. That is the way Mr. Ingraham governs, politics come before anything else.

  2. Just had my McDonald and got my free Tribune.Read the editorial and saw where chaos existed around the Supreme Court during the trial of Kodee from Fox Hill.Even Rodney Moncur was threatened with death and it seemed that all of the onlookers in the Supreme Court trial carried knives inside the Court.I wish that the COP would address these issues and stop pimping.Imagine this now where witnesses are being threatened within the precincts of the Court and nothing has happened.No security around the Courts?COP put cameras around the Courts and observe for yourself what is going on so you can properly advise the Govt.I refuse to ask for the COP to resign bcos Justice Isaacs made an observation and aint nothing happen yet.Even the FNM council recently voted for him to go and still nothing.Incompetence breeds chaos,if you dont believe me just look around mmmppphhh.

  3. What a slap across the face! There are so much unsolved mysteries and you mean to tell me that the police have time on their hands to be doing foolishness? We don’t know who killed Harl Taylor yet and I wouldn’t even talk about Dr. Thaddeus McDonald and the list could go on and on. There are people in this country who are afraid to leave their homes, because they fear they may never return. These days, I don’t know what is going on, it feel like people are willing to take your life if you miss and breathe or look at them the wrong way. These are some very distressing times. I just feel the police need to do the job they were hired to do by utilizing their time and energy trying to combat crime rather than secretly setting up wiretap to listen in on one another’s businesses.

  4. @Russell Johnson
    And not be like them police pimp slapping down to the ground each other.

    I hope people notice, NOT A WORD FROM THE POLICE on this. NOT A WORD! LOL!

    BP HAS DONE IT AGAIN! Cause they know, if they do, we just might have to ask for the pictures of the slap.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  5. Bp your apoliogy is accepted without reservations.I must also apologise for reacting to your comments as well.Am certain we will have many more heated disagreements but at least we can reason it out.

  6. @JR
    Well I believe in freedom of expressions JR. I believe it so deep, I think we should respect what Russell had to add. AND SO yes I respectfully apologize to Russell for my outburst yesterday. There you have it. But don’t think for a minute the lion in me is asleep. This is just the kitten side of me. Sorry Russell, thanks JR!


  7. Media, you shouldn’t get bent out of shape and calling people names just because you don’t like what they say. You were doing so well the last few weeks man. How about we agree to eliminate that racial term from our vocabulary together. That way, you’ll be forced to use your skills to find another way to call Russell names without the epithet. I know you can do it. If I could go back and look at my past posts and make some changes, I know you can. We have to be more responsible sometimes. Now to be fair to Russell, BP, you know that you have created a forum where the only way we can bring news to is is through the comments we write. Remember how I wrote to you in the comments section about the young gal getting slapped from I Ranfurly for performing a sex act on the beach and Fr. Bowleg urged the girl’s mother to press charges, even though Bowleg’s own son was about to get arrested for shooting at the cops and Bowleg himself was about to sue the Anglican church to stay past retirement? You didn’t take it and run with it right away but when it started to come out, you did and you gave the credit to “one of your bloggers”. You could have said my name but I understand it would have been too much for you to go further. LOL. But my point is simple. We are the amateurs and you are the professional. LOL

    The only way that gets into your news is if you can catch it soon enough to make the adjustment. If I understand what Russell is saying, he’s saying that Gibson was the one who got pimp slapped, not McCartney, although for being an Ingraham stooge, I can understand why we would wish it was McCartney. Russell’s point kind of makes sense. How could Gibson, the head of intelligence, not know his phone is being tapped? Maybe an honest mistake and nothing wrong with fixing that up. Of course, it is also strange that Hubert would be tapping Quin too because he’s Hubert’s “brother” in the FNM so I can see why the story would come to you that way.

    In any case, no need to go off on Russell like that.

  8. Thomas Finley :
    BP, you should not be talking this, even if the story is accurate. Are you trying to de-stabilze The Bahamas BP? BTW, the PM has the legal authority, to tap anyone’s phone that he wishes.

    Remember when I told you people that Finley was an idiot? Need any more proof? Mr. Finley, the Prime Minister is not the King of the Bahamas. He does not have rights that others don’t. The tapping of telephone lines is a very controversial practice that is governed by law but when we have an abundance of idiots like Finley running around, its no wonder that Bahamians don’t even challenge the notion of it. George Bush found out the hard way that the citizens of his country don’t like the idea of being wiretapped. When it happens, it must be sanctioned by the courts and approved and even then, there are some strict stipulations. What are the rules here? Boy BP, the more i think about it, the more attractive living in Cuba seems because at least there, I will know for sure that they are listening in.

  9. @media

    don’t worry bout no russell johnson. you need to go ahead and break them two stories.

  10. @media
    No need to get nasty as you cannot match me.The story is as I have related.Whoever gave you the story just twisted it around to suit their purpose.Pull up your pants even though you got it wet.Listen to the truth and stop allowing yourself to be mislead.Gibson is in charge of crime and all wiretaps and McCartney is in charge of accounts.I only sought to get the facts straight but you the other version of BP is just like your Leader HAI cant take pressure.Young man read and learn others have different opinions.Someone paying me?I sure could use extra funds lolo.However I will not stop from criticising HAI as he is wuthless.

  11. @Russell Johnson
    Well Russell where were you when this story first broke? I mean the more and more I read BP I see we’re developing more and more SPIN DOCTORS TO EVERYTHING WE WRITE!

    Mind you I trying to take JOE BLOW’s ADVISE and stop getting ballistic in responding, but some comments like yours RUSSELL I cannot avoid! If you knew what happened, why didn’t you come and informed us? Why wait until what we know to be the truth, then you come on here with your SPIN? WHY? TYPICAL HOUSE NIGGA! Ya know what went on in the house, but you want tell us in the field what truth and what is not! Who paying you to respond to what we write???

    Anyway, we have two BREAKING STORIES one from here in Nassau and another from Grand Bahamas, would you tell us now what you know? Or you rather wait until we break it? WUTLESS SPIN DOCTOR!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  12. @truthhurts
    Well Truthhurts, you know there are some still in the PLP who will tell you the fight in the Cabinet Room NEVER HAPPENED? Some will tell you a GLASS TABLE WAS NOT SHATTERED during the brawl! SOME WILL TELL YOU one MP didn’t beat up the other?

    If you waiting for that crew to tell you what we know, well guess what? Pray about it, and wait for an answer.

    Bahamas press/Editor

  13. Connie :I think that there is a campaign to discredit the officers on the force like Mr. Greenslade who have wide public support and popularity in order for Mr. Ingraham picks to be solidified. We all know the Reginald Ferguson was a purely political appointment and it goes with Mr. Ingraham’s M.O. those who he wants to get rid of for some reason he alwasy offers them diplomatic post away from the country. Mr. Greenslade was right to decline and force Mr. Ingraham and Mr. Ferguson to show their hands because I believe that they want to pass Mr. Greenslade over for COP again in favor of their moronic croonies who know nothing about policing. That is why the force has ZERO respect from the public today and that is one of the reason crime is out of control.

    You are so right on… HI wants to appoint Marvin Dames as COP but he knows that the majority of persons want Greenslade appointed as COP so the game is to force Greenslade to quit!!! That’s the TRUST that the majority of persons voted for!! The talk was that HI was simply the best..

  14. @tristan

    and in an effort of not wanting to run on forever with you. I like this website, but BP isn’t God, therefore he too is fallible.
    I recall Allyson Maynard-Gibson saying something about wiretapping officers this week.
    Anyway, you mull that over while I go eat my dinner.
    Now suddenly cops are striking one another in command meetings?
    Like the cabinet fight, I will believe this story when i hear someone from the senior command of the force go on record admitting that there was even the possibility that this happened.
    now you type up a storm while i go eat my dinner. i gone check you back later.

  15. @tristan

    it doesn’t hurt as much as being a drooling moron that believes everything he reads on the internet and then asks for it to be investigated.

    exactly who would investigate it, if all the senior command of the police force were there?

    i know it might not be easy for you, but try to think your way through these things.

  16. Thomas Finley :BP, you should not be talking this, even if the story is accurate. Are you trying to de-stabilze The Bahamas BP? BTW, the PM has the legal authority, to tap anyone’s phone that he wishes.

    The PM might have legal authority but only if he has justifiable reason to do so.. Otherwise, he is wrong and doing so will be illegal!!

  17. I think that there is a campaign to discredit the officers on the force like Mr. Greenslade who have wide public support and popularity in order for Mr. Ingraham picks to be solidified. We all know the Reginald Ferguson was a purely political appointment and it goes with Mr. Ingraham’s M.O. those who he wants to get rid of for some reason he alwasy offers them diplomatic post away from the country. Mr. Greenslade was right to decline and force Mr. Ingraham and Mr. Ferguson to show their hands because I believe that they want to pass Mr. Greenslade over for COP again in favor of their moronic croonies who know nothing about policing. That is why the force has ZERO respect from the public today and that is one of the reason crime is out of control.

  18. Yeah right.
    Gibson, Greenslade and McCartney don’t live like Keod and Kenyatta.
    I don’t believe this at all. Good yarn though.

  19. All o0f this is the aftermath of the firings of senior officers in Jan 2009.The three officers named are involved in the wire tapping but it was Greenslade and McCartney who were wire tapped by Gibson and the COP.Remember now it was the COP and Gibson who allowed Bahamains from the airport to be sent to the USA sidestepping our laws.After the Gen Elects 2007 the Chairman of the Police staff association gave an interview to the bahama journal in which he said he was going to recommend to the Govt that certain senior officers should be retired for daring to challemge his members use of red shirts at the Gen Elects.All of those officers were forced out and now we have this latest scenario.The Opposition needs to demand that a select committe be established to look at these illegal acts in the RBPF.The country will stop when they see what has been going on.Trust my foot.

  20. BP, you should not be talking this, even if the story is accurate. Are you trying to de-stabilze The Bahamas BP? BTW, the PM has the legal authority, to tap anyone’s phone that he wishes.

  21. @Tristan
    The police allowed this to happen to themselves! On another site, I warned that after what had happened during the election campaign (officers were allowed to get away with a slap on the wrist after defying a direct order from the COP at that time “Not to wear their red shirts at the polls”) that they made HI feel like he had too much power by allowing him to interfere with the COP!!

    The COP at that time did NOT speak out against the PM’s interference!! Since then he has been removed and he has accepted a political position in London.. What a shame!!

    The police themselves have allowed HI to give the force a bad name because they continue to sit back and do NOTHING!! They have allowed HI to appoint all his FNM goons to high positions in the force so that he can have total control of the force! All of those persons who HI feels don’t support him who are in top positions, are kept out of the loop…

    HI has brought the force to a new low!!!

  22. Hello.

    I would like to put a link to your site on my blog roll if you want to do the same for mine. It would be a good way to build up both of our readerships.

    thank you.

  23. Wow. This is serious. This has to be investigated. The Slap was well deserved. What a Shame HI brought us to. It is indeed a sad time in The Bahamas

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