One thousand stories announced by the government Wednesday in Parliament all buried by the big baby Hubert Ingraham


When will the PLP learn it needs to appoint a Communication Director?

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press reminds the government that it cannot allow Hubert Ingraham to control its messages. For example, last week Ingraham commanded the headlines with his rogue press conference and on Wednesday he was again acting like a spoiled child in the Parliament.

The now GONE FNM CAbinet Minister meddle in strange behaviours after getting kicked out of office.

Members of the PLP government must be reminded that this is how it lost the government in 2007. Bad PR and imaging during its five year term cost the party dearly.

All of its accomplishments and capital works were never communicated to the media and BIS in particular buried its material.

What has changed?

Yesterday in the Parliament Minister after Minister made communications and updates on their various Cabinet portfolios. But what did the Bahamas Information Service say? Nothing!

Where are the videos from the Parliament? Cannot be found!

Where are the statements by ministers? Missing!

Where is the communication by the Prime Minister Perry Christie? Mute!

What has changed?

Bahamas Press is calling on the PLP Government to not allow its message to be buried by BIS and the press this time. Get connected to media houses. Drop breaking decisions to the press! Get BIS back into serious media networking that communicates daily what the government is doing.

This is not happening, and clearly Wednesday is a classic example of that fact!

On Wednesday the Deputy Prime Minister made a critical communication on the roadworks and its progress. Where is BIS’s communication on this?

New PLP government must gets its PR working.

On Wednesday the Minister of State for Finance announced payout for public servants. Where was BIS’s communication on that?

Again the same minister announced the plans to present the mortgage relief plan for Bahamians about to lose their homes. The media and BIS was again had nothing to say…Just follow Papa Clown!

Then the Minister of Health announced the way forward for the National Health Plan, but again the media and BIS was mute!

Wednesday’s session announced a landmark decision by the government to hold a referendum to bring equality on the rights of women; finally removing the vestiges of inequality between a male and female in the country! Where is BIS’ communication on this? BP never got it!

The landmark announcement is buried under the news of Ingraham and the rebels!

Then there was the major, major announcement by the Minister of Education on the direction of the College of the Bahamas to University status and still again not one damn communication out of BIS or the Ministry of Education on this major MEGA announcement!

If the PLP doesn’t fix its PR quickly, and find serious leadership at the top of the government’s mega media arms, it is quickly going to find itself back on the other side of the floor!

All we can hear is Ingraham, Ingraham, Ingraham – a man who the country has rejected!

BIS and the communication arms of the government must get working and stop watching the reject!

We report yinner decide!