OPPOSITION LEADER Philip Brave Davis to GB & Bimini: Give us 5! Davis has now been declared KING OF THE NORTH!

Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis Q.C.

Nassau| The Progressive Liberal Party officially kicked off its campaign to claim and revive the northern Bahamas with a service of Thanksgiving on Grand Bahama. Focusing the first leg of this campaign on the islands of Grand Bahama and Bimini, PLP leader Philip “Brave” Davis seized on the opportunity to remind those gathered and viewing via livestream of the notable neglect and lack of transparency for those communities over the past four years under the Minnis administration.

Acknowledging The Bahamas’ abiding respect for Christian values and the PLP’s core philosophy of aiding and defending the poor and downtrodden, Davis – holding up his outstretched hand with fingers spread – confidently asked voters on Grand Bahama and Bimini to give the PLP no less than five seats in the upcoming general election.

“While there is a spirit of heaviness that seemingly overwhelms our land, particularly here in Grand Bahama and Bimini, we know that it ain’t long now. This overwhelming disposition has been precipitated by an administration that lacks compassion and vision,” Davis said, noting that Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis and his administration have on more than one occasion admitted a neglect of those who needed help the most – the poor – and have handed out a great deal of insincere and broken promises.

“As followers of Christ, we are challenged to make the preferential option for the poor the standard… thereby we create conditions for their marginalized voices to be heard; we defend the defenseless and we create the environment, policies and social institutions that have greatest impact on the poor. With that standard, everybody wins. The treatment meted out to Grand Bahama and Bimini has been unconscionable,” he said before listing off a bevy of mistreatments levied by what he labeled an “uncaring, incompetent and clueless government.”

According to Davis, in the midst of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the Minnis administration failed to prioritize adequate and much needed medical facilities for its people in the northern region, and he pointed out that only political expediency caused the recent recommissioning of the Rand Memorial Hospital on Grand Bahama following the severe damage inflicted nearly two years ago by the monster hurricane Dorian.

“And guess what? The hospital is still not finished,” he chided, adding, “It is an enormous neglect and it is heartless. The Lucayan hotel still languishes with no deal, rotting in the saline air along with the enormous cost it continues to drain from the public purse. The airport here continues to be a national and international embarrassment, while the former owners enjoy the insurance proceeds with no further responsibilities having been allowed by this inept administration to neglect their contractual obligations, they continue just to enjoy while we, the Bahamian people, bear the burden.”

“We recall the elaborate ploy in deceit associated with the Oban debacle and they continue to shamelessly own and celebrate the completion of PLP projects and negotiated arrangements.”

Davis insisted that preferential treatment ought to have been given to the people in the north and he once again asked that they wholly support his Progressive Liberal Party for a promising turn around.

“Give us five seats so that we may rebuild, restore and revolutionize Grand Bahama and Bimini after the utter abandonment of this administration,” Davis stated, indicating that the Progressive Liberal Party in its previous term created a national development plan that would ensure immediate measures to aid in relief efforts including reconstructing for resiliency and advancing renewable energy solutions; stabilize the botched and failing economy while building a stronger, more diverse and inclusive one, investing in young Bahamians and creating much needed jobs, greater equity and opportunities; revolutionize education and training; and digitally modernize antiquated business infrastructures.

The event, which was held at First Baptist Church in Grand Bahama’s Pineridge constituency, was attended by other party executives, current candidates and past representatives.