Opposition Leader statement on the arraignment of former Cabinet Colleague!


Hon. Philip Brave Davis – Leader of the Opposition.

Statement by Hon. Philip Brave Davis

I was appalled and outraged at the way Shane Gibson, my former Cabinet Colleague, was dealt
with by the police today. It was obvious that the man was in physical pain. I am advised that he
is recently recovering from surgery.

It appears that none of this was taken into account as he was dragged to court, hobbling this afternoon. In fact, he had crutches medically ordered because of his condition and they were deliberately taken away by the police.

His rights did not end upon his detention, arrest or having been charged. It is the enjoyment of
rights that preserve the dignity of human existence. PLPs and others of goodwill are unsettled
about what is taking place and where this is taking this country.

While we are slave shaming former ministers of the government in non-violent alleged
infractions of the law, there has been an avalanche of violence in criminal activities in our island which the FNM has been unable to staunch.

It is simply shameful what transpired today. The appropriate legal redress must follow.
The PLPs are going to be asked to come together shortly to demonstrate our contempt for these
inhumane actions.