Opposition questions why PM has not visited his community since Hurricane Matthew…


Mr. Sidney Collie Chairman of the FNM
Mr. Sidney Collie
Chairman of the FNM

Nassau, Bahamas – Sidney Collie, Chairman of the Free National Movement (FNM), issued the following statement on the Prime Minister not visiting Centerville, his own Constituency, since Hurricane Matthew:

“It’s amazing that Prime Minister Christie has not visited his own Constituency since Hurricane Matthew hit New Providence two weeks ago. Even more amazing is that he is openly boasting to that fact that he’s failed to visit Centerville to check on the Bahamians that elected him. These are the people that voted for him five years ago to represent them and be their voice in Parliament. Many of those residents have gone without power for over two weeks and are still waiting for their power to be returned. I guess they are left to wonder what will happen first, their power restored or visit from their Prime Minister to survey the damage this storm has brought and discuss their efforts at recovery.

“Centerville residents deserve a voice, and deserve to have leaders that pay attention to them and their needs. Their complaints go unheard, their concerns fall on deaf ears and they continue to be ignored with no one checking on them. Instead of engaging in petty political attacks in Parliament Prime Minister Christie should be the representative that Centerville elected him to be.”