Papa gets ready to call a snap November General Elections

Hubert Ingraham and defeated Elizabeth Candidate Duane Sand along with the THUG who hires STONE-COLD KILLERS. file Photo

The Bahamas – The Parliamentary Commissioner wishes to inform the general public that by Order of the Governor General, the Current Register of Voters will expire on the 14th July, 2011.

This means that as of 15th July, 2011 the new Register will replace the current Register as the Register of Voters for the up-coming General Election. Preparation of the new Register started on the 4th October 2010. Only persons whose names appear on the new Register, that is, persons who have registered since the 4th October, 2010 will be able to vote in the upcoming General Election.

All eligible Bahamians who are not yet registered to vote on the new Register are urged to do so as soon as possible.

CURRENT VOTERS REGISTER CLOSES JULY 14 from FNM Restoring Your Trust on Vimeo.


  1. Mr.Alexander Ingraham i love your type are a proven honest upright plain speaking accurate not be discourage of the slavery mentally who afraid of changes.continue to be bold and courageous :But there is always room for improvement,folks always puting the blame on the whiteman or the government the little some of are brother>s,did not know it is the whiteman who is the founder of the P.l.p party,also the whiteman was instramental in abolishing slavery,and the rights for woman to vote in the Bahamas,founder of the woman sulfrage movement,she was a white woman.So let”s give them their credit,its the only way we can move Forward onward together,and do away with the race card sydrome.Be incourage Mr. honourable Ingraham ,next Five years went you get in power let us build a bridge to the sleeping giant from new providence ,So we can SPREAD OUR WINGS AND DEVELOPE ANDROS,YOU BUILD THE BRIDGE AND WA AS A PEOPLE WILL DO THE REST MY BROTHER, BE INCOURAGE JUSHUA:1 -9,

  2. BP may I as why are we still using colonial ways to register voters.
    Bahamian citizens should be able to vote on election day regardless of being on the voters list or not, by simply showing up on election day and providing the same proof of citizenship required to pre register. This is the way it is done in many modern democratic countries
    The early registry should be treated for exactly what its main purpose is, to greatly reduce the number of unregistered voters from showing up on election day thus requiring a longer wait to vote because of the greater lineups.
    Every Bahamian citizen has a right to vote on Election Day.

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