Peter Nygard files against group….


WUTLESS DUTTY TERLET PAPER catching so much hell editors and writers are resigning.
WUTLESS DUTTY TERLET PAPER catching so much hell editors and writers are resigning.

Peter Nygard v. The Tribune Limited, Eileen Carron, Neil Hartnel, Louis Bacon, Gabrielle Bacon (personally and as Trustee of the Moore Charitable Foundation), the Moore Bahamas Foundation, Fredrick Smith, Callenders & Co, Save the Bays Ltd., Romauld Ferreira, Joseph Darville, Reverend C.B Moss, Diane Phillips, Michael Pintard, Hubert Minnis and Karam & Missick.

General Indorsement
The Plaintiff claims as against the Defendants and each of them in respect of damages caused to him by a conspiracy to injure the Plaintiff from an unknown date to the date hereof culminating in the abuse of the processes of the Honourable Supreme Court by the commencement on the 9th March, 2016 of Common Law and Equity Action numbered 329 of 2016 against the Plaintiff without any faith in the merit of the action and well knowing that the said action was founded on perjury and the subornation thereof and by the malicious publication of libel associated with the quotation of affidavits known to contain perjured statements together with caricatured political advertisements on or about the 9th March, 2016 and thereafter, for the following reliefs, namely:

1) Damages (including aggravated and exemplary damages);

2) Alternatively, an account of profits;

3) Payment of such sums found due and owing on the taking of the account;

4) Interest pursuant to the Civil Procedure (Award of Interest) Act, Cap. 80;

5) An injunction restraining the Defendants and each of them from committing or continuing to commit further acts intended to harm, or likely to harm, the economic or other legal interests of the Plaintiff;

6) An injunction restraining the Defendants from committing or continuing to commit any further libel or slander of the Plaintiff;

7) A declaration that the Defendants and each of them have abused the processes of the Honourable Supreme Court;

8) A declaration that the fifteenth named Defendant abused the high office of Leader of the Opposition and the processes of Parliament on the thirteenth March, 2016;

9) Costs;

10) Such further or other relief as the Honorable Supreme Court deems just.