Pintard tells Minnis at Council Meeting last evening…”I don’t trust you!”


NASSAU| Bahamas Press is reporting a Big Bustup and Breakdown inside the Free National Movement Meeting last night as Michael Pintard tells Former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis, “I don’t trust you!”

The meltdown came with heated words after the former Prime Minister questioned the authority of the Party Leadership to deny him an opportunity to address an upcoming Garden Hills Meeting.

Pintard shot back in front of Council Members, “Because I don’t trust you – that’s why!”

Pintard is organizing Mini Rallies during the Holy season of Lent when Christians around the world begin a journey of fasting, prayer and repentence for 40 days. But Pintard in a fight for political survival is turning up the heat to stop Minnis forces which are campaigning around the country to return Minnis to the leadership of the FNM.

Pintard warned FNMs at the meeting “…and if I am removed as leader of the party one thing is sure Hubert Minnis will lead this party to a crushing defeat at the next election.”

As BP agents sat in shock with the response of Pintard, Minnis grew uglier in the face by the minute as the two went after each other.

It was at that time one of BP’s agents who supports Minnis took with da belly and needed an urgent bathroom break.

This week Leader Pintard axed from the Public Accounts Committee Long Island MP Adrian Gibson who is facing serious corruption charges before the courts.

Pintard learned of a third witness set to turn against Gibson in the courts.

That witness told prosecutors he will not be going to jail for his “mah” much less an arrogant, disrespectful and rude FNM.

Anyway, a second agent of BP supporting Pintard said, “Minnis Era is over and he, Elsworth Johnson, Frankie Campbell, Darren Henfield, Marvin Dames and Lincoln Bain will see a side of Pintard they have not seen in the FNM since the days of Papa.”

At the next meeting we might have to place a fly on the wall. It all goes down from here.

We report yinner decide!