PLP: FNM Government continues to bury head in the sand as Crime & Disrespect for Law & Order run Rampant & Out of Control


November 7th 2010

The PLP continues to note with alarm the fact that the inept, hapless and hopeless FNM government continues to bury its head in the sand as crime and disrespect for law and order run rampant and out of control.

Policemen have been attacked in front of the Courts, the Courts have been broken into and ransacked, and there has been a brazen robbery at a Police Station. Within 48 hours we have experienced the shooting of a prominent businessman in Fox Hill, the raping of a Nun and the shooting of a businesswoman in Grand Bahama.  Last week, the maximum security wing of the prison was without electricity and without a generator. Also, we saw in the midst of rush hour traffic a confrontation that could have had tragic consequences.

Right under our noses, we are experiencing degeneration and breakdown in every arena in which citizens have a right to expect national security to be heightened. We in the PLP note that while law abiding citizens are being held hostage, and while disintegration and breakdown of national security proliferates, the Minister of National Security’s priority was a trip to China at the expense of the same citizens who are being held hostage.

We are saddened that too many Bahamians are throwing their hands up in exasperation. Too many Bahamians are asking, “what can we do”.

We call for the immediate restoration of law and order. We believe that it is possible to restore law and order in a country as small as The Bahamas and on an Island as small as New Providence.
We the people must declare that “enough is enough”.

Those who broke into the Supreme Court and the Magistrates Court must immediately be brought to trial. The Attorney General’s office has had enough time to prepare a Voluntary Bill of Indictment. Those trials should take place without further delay.

Those who initiated the melee that resulted in the injury of a policeman in Bank Lane should be tried without delay. No preliminary enquiry. They must immediately be tried. We Bahamians must declare no one will get away with an attack on our seat of justice, the Courts. And, no one will get away with attacking policemen, especially while they are on duty!

We call for the establishment of a special regime to deal with those in illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. Their trials should be expedited and they should be severely penalized.

We call upon the FNM to reinstate the decision to establish a remand centre near to the Fox Hill Prison. (The design was finalized and the foundation laid during the Christie Administration using Prison labour)  We believe that only those on remand who will be tried on the day in question need to come to the Courts. The racing convoy from the Prison to Bank Lane and back every day is an accident waiting to happen. We have now experienced the danger of having all of those on remand seated in an open bus in Bank Lane. The remand centre near to the prison can and ought to deal with remands without endangering the public.

We call for the immediate implementation of the electronic bracelet system to monitor people out on bail. We believe that there should be no bail for people charged with murder. Why should be continue to tolerate the situation whereby people out on bail for murder commit another murder?

And, we again call for the resignation of the incompetent Minister of National Security. It is simply shameful that while law and order collapses and goes to wrack and ruin on his watch, he trots off on a joy ride to China. Enough is enough. He is obviously incompetent. It is irresponsible to leave him in charge of this vital area that has collapsed on his watch. He should do the right thing and resign; immediately.

These suggestions can and ought to be implemented without delay. We are sure that we will see an immediate and positive result.

We call upon the Prime Minister to show caring and courage. Act now before it is too late!


  1. I am so tired of hearing the PLP blame the FNM for Crime and vice versa. No one person, or Government can’t combat crime itself. It takes us as a Nation to work together if we wan the increasing rate of criminal activities to decrease in The Bahamas. We as Bahamians are too narrow minded and depend on the Government for too much, that is why we as a country will no improve. We have to stand together in collaboration with the Government to show these criminals that we are not afraid of them and that we would not allow them to take over our country. I can’t understand why we always seek to blame someone else for a problem that starts with ourselves. I am an 18 year old student studying in London and if I can see where this is a problem then why can’t adults who claim to have much more wisdom and experience than I have see these things?

    In order for us to save our country we have to change our state of mind.

  2. its not rocket science. like the statement says dont give murderers bail. Gun possession should mean automatic jail time! man these people aint serious. Tommy clueless GET RID OF HIM!

  3. The PLP and the FNM can support all the Chinese projects they want, but if the crime problems in Nassau isn’t brought under management control, we could end up with even lots more hotel rooms sitting empty. The PM has to take a close look at removing the present Minister of Security? Has he become to much of the focus, rather than the problem?

  4. The PLP and the FNM can support all the Chinese projects they want, but if the crime problems in Nassau is brought under management control, we could end up with even lots more hotel rooms sitting empty. The PM has to take a close look at removing the present Minister of Security? Has he become to much of the focus, rather than the problem?

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