PM Accepts Donation For The Elderly From Bahamas Striping


Hams for Christmas

Hams presented to Prime Minister Christie for Farm Road Urban Renewal Centre by operators of Bahamas Striping.


Nassau, Bahamas — Prime Minister The Right Hon. Perry Christie was in his Farm Road constituency on Wednesday December 19th accepting a donation on behalf of the Urban Renewal Commission from Bahamas Striping.

Earlier this month the young company, that believes in giving back to the community through training of young Bahamians and through charitable support, donated 300 toys to Urban Renewal for struggling children in Nassau and Abaco.

This time, the road and car park marking company donated 100 hams for the elderly in inner city Nassau and 50 in Abaco at a ceremony on Friday to celebrate the opening of the Urban Renewal Center in Marsh Harbour.

At Urban Renewal’s branch in Farm Road constituency, the Prime Minister praised the young company’s civic-mindedness and charity. Prime Minister Christie said that he came down to accept this donation even though he was in a very important meeting.

PM Christie said: “When corporate citizens, especially a young company with aggressive leadership that is building a company into something big, decides that it wants to give something back [to the community], it’s important.

For me, that important meeting takes second place to what Mitchell has done because there are people in my community who will not, but for his donation, have a good Christmas. And that speaks volumes,” said the Prime Minister.

Bahamas Striping President Atario Mitchell thanked the PM Christie for taking the time out to accept his company’s donation. He told the Prime Minister how he was pleased with the government’s support of young Bahamians and companies like his own that invest in training young men.

Mitchell related that since his government came to power and since Deputy Prime Minister “Brave” Davis’ declared in August to help local striping companies, Bahamas Striping company has been receiving tremendous support from the Ministry of Works.

Recently Bahamas Striping has worked on three large government projects for which he and his staff were thankful.

Mitchell said he wants to show his appreciation by giving back, in the same way that the government and taxpayers funded the start of his company two and a half years ago.

Mitchell said giving back to his country and its people was a cornerstone of his company’s philosophy.