PM Davis and Minister Bowleg join in celebrating 80th birthday of Rev. Dr. William Thompson

PM Davis along with Bishop William Thompson and team.

NASSAU| Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Philip Davis and Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture the Hon. Mario Bowleg attended a Sports Community Fun Day at the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex, Saturday, to celebrate the upcoming 80th birthday (Feb. 18) of ‘nation builder,’ Reverend Dr. William Thompson and to honour his many years of community service in The Bahamas. 

Amidst the fun-filled activities, Rev. Dr. Thompson presented the Prime Minister with one of his personalized birthday softball shirts as one of the highlights of the sporting fete that featured Masters Softball Association exhibition tourneys, the Eva Hilton Rake-n-Scrape Band, Bahamas Department of Correctional Services Marching Band, C.R. Walker High School Marching Band, a Junkanoo Rush by the Valley Boys, Food vendors and games. 

In the assembled group of family and friends, Rev. Thompson is pictured centre left; and Prime Minister Davis, centre.  Former Permanent Secretary and brother of Rev. Thompson, Harrison Thompson was also present (pictured at right with beige cap), shown next to Minister Bowleg.  Reverend Dr. Thompson is being treated to various celebration activities this month, in his honour.