PM Davis will announce Minister Alfred Sears will remain seated around his Cabinet Table as Cabinet Shakeup looms…

Hon. Alfred Sears KC MP
PM Davis

NASSAU| Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis is set to announce his Cabinet changes and update the country on new portfolio assignments across the country.

BP, like thousands of Bahamians, is eager to hear what changes will be in the new makeup of the Cabinet Room.

Earlier today BP announced the resignation of Minister for Works Hon. Alfred Sears. That announcement is premature at this point as the PM has received no such letter from the Fort Charlotte MP. 

A key source deep inside the Davis Cabinet revealed to us tonight that Mr Sears will remain in a key new role in the Davis Government!

“Minister Sears has not resigned, BP, and up to 3 pm this afternoon he welcomes his post with a new portfolio inside the Government. Any announcement of a resignation is not factual.  It is FAKE NEWS and definitely premature,” the source said.

Bahamas Press has not seen any resignation letter up to press time. However, we know when the announcement is confirmed on The Cabinet Shuffle, now concluded and finalized, Mr Sears will sit in a new role around the Executive table. 

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Davis will make his changes known in the coming days. We know the PM is keeping his list of changes tight-tight- tight and not even BP can crack this security!

The sad news for the FNM is this – NO MATTER WHAT DECISION IS MADE – PM Davis and his team will still be governing the Bahamas, and the FNM will still have a stressful leadership crisis.

We report yinner decide!