PM Minnis plans revealed as a Cabinet Shuffle looms sometime into the New Year…


Branville will come into the Cabinet as the new Minister for Immigration…Cabinet Shuffle coming yall!

BP Breaking| Well he’s back home with the FNM…Branville McCartney along with FNM Chairman Carl Culmer at the FNM Christmas Party last evening.

NASSAU| The deal has been struck and live at the FNM Christmas party last even was the future leader of the FNM.

PM MINNIS PLAN: He will sack some 10 FNM MPs in the upcoming General Elections. The polls show the PLP with a strong 15 points lead already. Which means if elections were announced today Philip Brave Davis Q C and his viceroy I Chester Cooper will form the next generation Government of the Bahamas. OH HALLELUJAH!

Three Cabinet Ministers we know will not run again! They are FRANKIE Campbell, Peter Turnquest and Lanisha Rolle. They are among the short list of 10 to be axed FNM MPs who will not be nominated at the next election.

Hubert Minnis will sack one of three sitting Senators (Kwasi Thompson, Dion Foulkes or Carl Bethel) during his shuffle.

Former DNA Leader Branville McCartney will be appointed a new Senator come January and will be brought into the Cabinet of the Bahamas as the new Minister for Immigration. Now this is where things get tricky….Willl ‘redboy” Branville get Bamboo Town in the next election?

We ga report and let yinner decide!