PM Minnis plans to sell Bank of the Bahamas if re-elected into office

Bank of Bahamas Carmichael

NASSAU| Minister of Finance and Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis plans to sell Bank of the Bahamas if returned to office, BP has been reliably informed.

The TOP SECRET SALE of the Bahamian People’s asset will not be the first time such a major selloff of the Bahamian people’s assets occurred. 

We all recall how, under the last FNM Government, BTC was sold in a fire sale where taxpayers assumed the company’s legacy debt and were saddled with the responsibility for the pension of the workers to the tune of over $100 million while the new owners sailed out of NASSAU HARBOUR with the people’s things. At the time, BTC, which was valued in the billions, was sold for just $252 million.

BOB, we understand, will be taken over by a major gaming house partner in the country, along with two sitting and one former Cabinet Minister as hidden shareholders in the new deal. The deal will never pass the test of United States Regulators.

A lack of transparency, accountability and trust are the reasons forcing the collapse of the Minnis Administration. Criminal Scandals by Ministers, malfeasance by MPs, stink corruption, failure to report beneficial owners behind contracts granted via IMF loans and a deep mistrust in telling the truth will result in failure at the polls. 

And with the Minnis Government now plotting to sell the Bahamian Bank, it shows that a second term for the Minnis Government will embolden them to inflict even more of the abusive governance Bahamians have endured these past four and a half years.

We report yinner decide!