PM Minnis to have Parliament move an amendment to Prime Minister’s Pension


The PM is preparing incase a possible ‘No Confidence Vote’ is moved on the floor by his colleagues…

The Minnis-led Cabinet!

Nassau – With growing tensions deep within the country hard against the Free National Movement, the PM is preparing to move an amendment on the Prime Minister’s Pension Act.

The decision to move forward with the amendment comes after concerns over the overwhelming growing national discontent with the FNM, and whispers of a possible ‘NO Confidence Vote’ against the PM in Parliament.

The law only allows for a sitting PM to be able to get 50% of his salary after serving four years and a full pension after serving eight years or two terms.

Sources tell us the amendment would move for a full pension after one term and thus secure the sitting PM if he is ousted in his term.

The move, we believe, is to equally increase the pension of the PM if he is kicked out of office early.

PM Minnis told Parliament in October that he plans to increase the salaries of Parliamentarians, which had not enjoyed an increase in decades. He also promised an constitutional change to limit the term of PM to two terms. But PM Minnis is in a quandary. He isn’t certain of two term and thus has decided to put that idea on hold until his fate is decided at the polls.

We report yinner decide!