Police Crime news this weekend…


police-chase-1Armed Robbery/Shooting

Sometime around 9:31pm on Friday 12th March, 2010 police received information of a shooting at Podoleo Street off Cordeaux Ave.  Police responded and information received from the victim, a 26 year old male, while on Podoleo Street he was approached by another male, allegedly armed with a handgun that robbed him of his jewelry and subsequently shot him to the thigh area.  The victim was taken to hospital via EMS. The culprit fled the area on foot.  Police are investigating.

Drug Arrest

Sometime around 10:55pm on Friday 12th March, officers of the mobile division while on patrol in the area of Marathon Road and Robinson Road, observed three (3) males in a white Chevy Impala L/P 221469 acting suspiciously.  Officers stopped the vehicle, conducted a search and discovered a small amount of suspected marijuana.  The three males ages, 44, 25 and 24 were taken into custody.  Police are investigating.

Fatality 10

Sometime around 1:15 am on Saturday 13th March, 2010 police received information of a traffic accident on Fox Hill Road and Abner Street.  Police responded and information received the driver of 2002 silver CRV  L/P # 125222 was travelling North on Fox Hill Road, when he lost control of the vehicle, struck a utility pole resulting in the vehicle being overturned.  EMS responded and confirmed no signs of life.  Police are investigating.

Drug Arrest

Sometime around 1:30 pm on Sunday 14th March, 2010 officers of the mobile division executed a search warrant on a home at Joe Farrington Road.  Officers searched and recovered a small amount of suspected marijuana and a small amount of suspected ecstasy tablets. A 26 year old male of Nassau East North along with the occupant of the house a 37 year old male was taken into custody.  Police are investigating.


  1. Yup, Thanks to BP  I now refuse to buy any of them toilet paper from off the side of the road.
    I also think its real messed up that another life was lost in a traffic accident. I heard glennys hanna martin pointin fingers at the FNM for not yet “revising” some part of the seat bealt law so that it can be enforced. I think that is total BULLMESS on her part because this law was implemented in 2002 under their watch. why wasnt it reviewed between then and 2007 when the gorilla came in office? how long does it take them to review a bill? Ive been made to understand that they were reviewing the penalties i.e. amount of the fine given to persons breaking the seatbelt law. well they can shoot all the shyt they want but anyone with lil bit of sense knows that the true reason is simply SLACK, LAZY, INCONSISTENT, SORRY ARSS LEADERSHIP! On BOTH sides of the dawgon fence.

  2. Wow BP you have pulled a coup as you are able to let us know what is going on.An informed public is a weapon against CRIME.Kudos to the Police for noticing that your site is the bomb and willing to use it as another CRIME fighting tool.

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