Postmaster General cannot explain why air-conditions at post offices go offline

A sign on the door at the Shirley Street Postal Office. The facility shut down at 1PM today.

Nassau, Bahamas — What is happening inside the postal department? Bahamas Press is reporting two postal satellite offices here in the capital are without air condition since hurricane Irene.

BP can confirm the postal offices on Shirley Street and Carmichael Road sent staff home at 1pm today. The air-condition are said to have went down and the snail mail sorting exercise has slowed to a halt. What a sad indictment on the postal management; under performance to the detriment of the public.

A few months ago it was East Street North and Cable Beach postal offices  which were down with the same problem. It took the government months before the units were repaired.

And where is the WUTLESS media in these update? Somewhere protecting the WUTLESS Bahamian Gaddafi.

We can do better!


  1. The airconditioning at the Post Office is symtomatic of a more fundamental problem in our nation. We are failing as a nation.It has always been a maxim that you can tell when a nation is “third world” or slipping into third world status when basic government service fails … airconditioning in public buildings not working, garbage uncollected, streets that resemble bomb out war zones, public health epidemic, power black outs and not to mention crime and violence, etc. Nassau, the capital of the nation use to be different but judging from these symptoms it is up to you to judge whether we are a first class nation or sliding into a little third world society while pretending that we are a developed society. And who is to blame?

  2. Nassau gone funky eh?! Garbage enn been collected in corn days, now ya can’t get ya mail on time because the a/c isn’t working so staff walking off the job? Not that it’s the staff’s fault. How many a/c companies operating in Nassau again who can solve that problem in about 2 hours???

    Come on… fix da darn problems!

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