Rally in Seabreeze TONIGHT


017779300SEABREEZE BRANCH OF THE PLP & Sen. Hon. Hope Strachan Invites you to a RALLY on Wednesday November 11th, 2009 [TONIGHT] 7:30pm at the Sadie Curtis Primary School Charles Saunders Highway.

Speakers include:
Perry Christie,  Philip “Brave” Davis, & Bradley Roberts

Residents of the Sea Breeze Constituency especially members interested in joining the Progressive Young Liberals and the general public are invited to come and hear from our leaders!


  1. futurevoice :Sorry Media, but I could not resist he had it coming! lol
    my apologies to media!

    Obviously you responded in another post that was filled with invectives as that is as far as your educational level will let you go.By the way are you still in Bimini?You gave yourself away when you mentioned that you know where I live in Andros (2)Now you are saying I had that coming.Your sexual assault of the vulnerable children in Andros sure has you freaking out.The way you carry on is frightening when I think about how childrten are left in your care.Add to the debate and stop believing that your crudeness puts fear in anyone.This is the last I shall say to you as I have finished your exams and you have been deemed “H”,hopeless.Our dialogue has ended you need not reply.

  2. @ronica7
    Thats both side of the isle BOTH FNM’s and PLP’s have a very long record of MISLEADING FACTS…. Keep in mind thats in the ball park of POLITICS.

  3. Future voice, you are the typical FNM! When facts stare you in the face, you run for a copy of the punch. I will beat all of you FNM’s down anyday. I speak truth to power, you internet Tr0ll!

    Always remember: “FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS”

  4. @futurevoice

    You have described yourself to the T.Am glad you described youtself thus so dont blame me.You have changed your idiotic atyle of writing but you are still a nitwit and no pretentious utterings from you will be taken seriously anytime soon.Dont worry all of the bloggers on this site think you are a nincompoop/ninny/imbecile.At least you are improving your use of good English words but unfortunately for you the table is turned.You actually looked at the words you had for homework and came back with others you learnt along the way.Go to bed now as its obvious you have been up all night.” nincompoop/ninny/imbecile/idiot” have the same meaning but you would not know since you only had the opportunity to use a dictionary maybe for the first time in your life.Therefore you have no need to be SUPERFLUOUS.Stop futurevoice as everyone on this site is bringing your nakedness about facts to the attention of their family and friends.I was in the foodstore a short time ago and shoppers were in dire straits as they wanted to return home to see just how much more insults you can take.You are the laughing stock of the community.Now we know why you want to fight but am now a lover and can explain myself without resorting to violence.If you see your friends laughing ,remember its all about you.

  5. futurevoice :@Examiner And I THOUGHT russell was bad. Always remember just when you think you have seen it all, a newer idiot emerges!
    WOW It took a man who went to night school to defeat two men who went abroad to England to be schooled! After looking at this, I think I am going to night school!!!! Obviously, both Pindling and Perry missed something Hubert learned,

    Have you ever heard about Carol Boyd Hallet? Have you heard about William French Smith?. Well one was the Ambassador and the other, the US Attorney General. These were Hubert’s benefactors that caused him to win. He is a traitor.

  6. The village idiot still at it from yesterday?? Russell you will defend your cause no matter what, the trait of a real grassroot pingdomnite. You go boy!!!!
    Seeing that you been out of school so long, I am sure the time you took to learn those words was worthwhile. Here are a few more
    These should keep you busy for a while.

    FYI the neighbours ain wondering nuttin, they are quite aware that your elevator don’t go all the way to the top floor!

    boi I am younger than you, I could go the long haul. I assure you I have the stamina to continue.

  7. @Bahamasyouth
    Aha gotcha again,you are admitting to what I have deemed you to be long time ago,a member of the red brigade.Try as much as you did your true colours are showing.However to ensure that you comprehend I will tell you the story of a man who married a church female since he no longer wished to deal with the SECULAR ones.His sweet innocent wife started using what we of the SECULAR world enjoy hearing.Shocked he asked her where she learnt those words so she told him the same places where he used to hangout.So bahamasyouth your bullshit only works among your kind so pretending and confess.Another word has added fur you to use from now on.

  8. @Russell Johnson
    Russell I just hope come 2012 we will see who STUPID…. Perry Christie will forever be THE STUPIDEST, WHATLESS and WEAK PM this country has ever seen. ONE TERM IN OFFICE… Thats HISTORIC. Ingraham will bury him alive come 2012 if he dont change and for you Russell it looks like u needs to start preparing for SPIKENARD Graveyard….. Im just waiting til Ingraham give CHristie a piece of his medicine and trust me it aint LONG NAH.

  9. @Bahamasyouth


    Learn the meanings and come back tommorow using them in your input.Both of your names are listed bcos as far as am concerned you are one and the same.These lessons will be the PANACEA for your dabbling and INCOHERENT gaggling.The two extra words are for you to experiment with tonight if you understand the meaning of the first three.See am not all bad after all as I wish to have intelligent conversations with you.Write them down and place the meaning beside them for future references.Goodnight and pleasant studies.

  10. ronica7 :Future voice, since you are so hung up on reports, what about that S&P report about your party who is still saying, by the way, that “stop,review, and cancel”, did not happen. I want you to believe all reports my friend, not the ones that suit you. And the Standard And Poors, report, is quite damning!

    Answer the woman futurevoice or change your name bcos if you believe that not answering will solve the problem then you have a lot of learning to do.I hate a man/woman who cant do more than a thing at a time.futurevoice you are in over your head so leave while you have a little sanity left.A name does not make a man so please change that name as you are too shallow.

  11. I am laughing so hard that my neighbors think am nuts.bahamasyouth and futurevoice are damned fools not interested in a debate but just name calling.Am happy that I used your tactics to get under your skin/s.Hooliganism will not get you any points as you are dealing with someone who cannot blink.Enough of that as am looking for a debate that makes me research to answer and not just use of dirty words and language.By the way its all about politics so dont blame me for having facts to counter anything you say.This is an open site so anyone can join a debate and its not getting gang up on its dismissing stupid comments from persons who do not know the difference in how to properly use a word.This imposter futurevoice is justa D graded student and not the first one who came here.Boy this is getting deep many persons in a nest with the same incomprehensible message.

  12. @ronica7 ain nobody talking to you OR ABOUT ANY REPORT, this is an A & B Conversation C yourself right out of it. When I am ready to address you I will call you by your name!

    BP is that the best you can do? Don’t you know you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!

  13. ronica7 :
    Future voice, since you are so hung up on reports, what about that S&P report about your party who is still saying, by the way, that “stop,review, and cancel”, did not happen. I want you to believe all reports my friend, not the ones that suit you. And the Standard And Poors, report, is quite damning!

    GET EM Ronica7 let them know when ya come on BP you spewing your bias you will get more than a CUT-YOU-KNOW-WHAT, ya get GANG!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. Why everybody is teaming up on Futurvoice…. As far as Im Concerned Futurvoice have a VERY VERY GOOD point about Russell Johnson… My main problem with Mr. Johnson is that hes not the type of person you can sit down and have a debate and bring solutions forward. Its ALWAYS About INGRAHAM this FNM that…. When i preached from day one that we as BAHAMIANS must not be so closed minded and disfranchise other parties. YES FNM has done their share and so did the PLP but we needs to STOP THIS BLAMING GAME about what happened in the 1960’s or whenever. The only valid years should be 2002 to 2009….

    Perry Christie had his chance and OBVIOUSLY he did something wrong for the people to kick him out in his first term in office. MY MAIN PROBLEM WITH a VAST AMOUNT OF PLP supporters like Russell Johnson is that THEY DONT WANT TO SIT DOWN With Independent PEOPLE and FNMS to find ways of fixing the problems. And I dont want to step on nobody toes too hard but is it ONLY ME WHO see’s that people who are over 50 are THE people who only vote for THE PLP just because of the plp’s legacy and not with current issues?

    Pindling has been gone and yes he’s human he did some wonderful things for our country ALSO he did some horrible things as well but like i said HES HUMAN. Give Mr. Pindling his credit but also dont IDOLIZE HIM like he was a SAINT.

    And RUSSELL JOHNSON and others must remember that MAJORITY of BAHAMIANS are people between the ages of 16 to 45 and SURELY whoever wins this demographic they will win in 2012 just like 1992 and 2007.

  15. Future voice, since you are so hung up on reports, what about that S&P report about your party who is still saying, by the way, that “stop,review, and cancel”, did not happen. I want you to believe all reports my friend, not the ones that suit you. And the Standard And Poors, report, is quite damning!

  16. @futurevoice
    You mean he story about Kenneth Russell and his Buff ROOMATE?


    Sound like you also have a reading challenge Futurevoice. That story has been published for weeks now.

    Bahamas Press/EDITOR

  17. @Examiner
    And I THOUGHT russell was bad. Always remember just when you think you have seen it all, a newer idiot emerges!

    WOW It took a man who went to night school to defeat two men who went abroad to England to be schooled! After looking at this, I think I am going to night school!!!! Obviously, both Pindling and Perry missed something Hubert learned,

  18. Yes Russell I still know you and yes MEDIA you are still dumb, don’t worry about my grammar or grammer, I don’t write articles for the world to read. If I went through every story you have posted from the inception of this site, it would take me more than a year to correct you GLARING MISTAKES. Right from spelling simple words in your headlines to printing downright false information and lying to attract readers. I am saying what plenty people on this site ain gat the balls to say!!! I will say it again, Yinner dumb and yinner does lie!!

    @russell the village idiot with the yellow and red shirt.

    1967 LOL!! oh you are one of those people who were hoodwinked brainwashed and bamboozled by Pindling. You have no other choice than to be loyal, you are one of those persons referred to in the Greenberg report as the lower class grassroot. Let me not waste my time with you, you have no choice than to be who you are today. Pindling once called people like you Andros crab catchers and to this day you will still answer, yes ma lord!

    Media it is amazing how little you know, say political appointee, boi you definitely in the dark and wrong again! Just like you were on all those other stories, you have proven that you fabricate stories over and over again. BahamasPress is nothing more than a site where YOU CREATED STORIES AND TELL LIES LIKE MATILDA TO GET PEOPLE TO READ YOUR STUFF.

    I am so shocked Perry was not ousted after your BREAKING NEWS stories, I am shocked Ed Fields still works for Atlantis and we are still waiting on that story on Ken Russell.

    put your vicious cut a** on me I am waiting!!!

  19. @futurevoice Russell I will see you up when I come to Andros in the christmas. Yea I know who you are, that is why I could say the things I said about you!!!
    lolo lolo am really getting under your skin.U wuthless coward bring it on.Say it loud am PLP and proud a product of the 1967 generation.I say that so that you can be very careful if you dare come in my face talking you know what.i benefitted from free education and not too many men of the 1967 revolution are illiterate but look what happeneed aftr 1992 oooh take that.

  20. @Russell Johnson
    This has always been the FNMS problem. They believe that they are smarter than everyone. I recall in 1987 at the Q.E. Sports Centre “Ole Sore Throat ‘ Sir Kendal G.L. Isaacs saying that when he won ” he would bring the rest of the PLP up to their level”. That ,among other things cost the FNM the election. I am a PLP and I have a Masters Degree sponsored by the Bahamian People. Hubert went to night school. Tommy was less than an average student. Those hicks from Spanish Wells who so blindly follow the FNM cannot read. I Cry shame on you futurevoice. The FNM has failed the people of this country with the shabby educational system. I am a product of Sir Lynden’s PLP and I am very proud to support that great and historic party. It is not a movement peopled by misfits and degenerates.

  21. BP, what these FNMS fail to understand is this medium is for the Bahamian people and you write in the local dialect. The message is quite clear. I am told that you have over 4 million hits per month. You are doing quite fine. They always want to attack the messenger, but BP, the messeage is right on. They get it. They are afraid. Lick fire pun dem BP.The story on Carl is being widely circulated according to one of my sources in the Cabinet room. This source is a 4 star General in Hubert’s army. They are feeling the fire BP, trust me on this one. They red and they scared.

  22. futurevoice :
    NO media you cannot get it from me, a teacher of the english language I am not! BUT for one who claims to be a media outlet, MUCH is expected of you. YOU ARE HELD TO A MUCH HIGHER STANDARD as a so called journalist, especially as it relates to using proper grammer and spelling.
    THIS SITE IS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB,I shudder to think what foreigners and international journalists think when they see this site.
    The national grade average is a D, but my God, I thought it was attributed to our school kids, not our so called media houses.
    Russell I will see you up when I come to Andros in the christmas. Yea I know who you are, that is why I could say the things I said about you!!!

    Political appointees like yourself FutureVoice AKA FNM guru in Andros again we submit you should be careful when you attempt to criticize this blog.

    Remember now, we can TAKE IT. But it is interesting to see persons like yourself come on here and ‘ATTEMPT’ and correct BP on what is the STANDARD, yet, you struggle in your own grammar response to us.

    Please, make certain you are proficient in the use of the Standard English before you attempt to take us on.

    Before we put another vicious cut-you-know-what on you, learn how to SPELL! It’s ‘GRAMMAR’ and NOT ‘grammer’. Now you know ‘futurevoice’.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  23. @media
    NO media you cannot get it from me, a teacher of the english language I am not! BUT for one who claims to be a media outlet, MUCH is expected of you. YOU ARE HELD TO A MUCH HIGHER STANDARD as a so called journalist, especially as it relates to using proper grammer and spelling.

    THIS SITE IS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB,I shudder to think what foreigners and international journalists think when they see this site.
    The national grade average is a D, but my God, I thought it was attributed to our school kids, not our so called media houses.

    Russell I will see you up when I come to Andros in the christmas. Yea I know who you are, that is why I could say the things I said about you!!!

  24. futurevoice :
    @altec, thinkwefool and russelljohnson
    Sorry russell I could not listen to the pep rally tonight I do not live in the Bahamas at this time. BUT YOU P.L.P’s just don’t get it!! Here are snippets from a report the P.L.P PAID FOR BUT REFUSE TO BELIEVE.
    With the PLP the majority of its support ranges from 60 years of age and up, the PLP won the majority of its votes also in one socioeconomic group — “those with less than a high school education.”
    “The PLP’s narrow demographic base of support is worrisome. Depending on older and lower-class voters is not a recipe for long-term success as the former die off and the country and its citizens become more prosperous. The PLP needs to update its posture and rhetoric so that it has greater appeal to younger and more prosperous voters,”.
    Need I say more! The report is damning and the P.L.P still refuses to accept defeat and the GREENBERG report!
    MEDIA YOU SAID TALENT AND SKILLS LOL! LOL! You need to use some of those skills to construct proper sentences and talents to check the spelling!
    Media I will still give you your props, I must say I have seen some improvement in the writing. Keep it up, one day you may be worthy enought to be considered a real journalist.

    One this is clear from your post, futurevoice, ANY additional grammar training that is necessary for us it is certain we cannot get it from you.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. @futurevoice
    Russell you are clearly illiterate. Now remember, you MAY be able to read and write but you can still be REGARDED as illiterate, in the sense that you cannot understand what you read.

    Ignorant, Illiterate, Bias and Old are words that describe MAJORITY of THE PLP base…. Thats a fact. Typical example Altec and Russell Johnson.

    You two clowns are so easy to trap are you in the same building?Just look at your sentences same lame brain.Look up what illiterate means before you come here expousing foolishness.I have toyed with you two morons long enough now so beat it.Let me give you a new word,since you two are in school but just cannot COMPREHEND anything.Mr Jekyl and Mr Hyde trying to fool someone more wiser than you would ever be go and tell youyr handler that you cannot handle it as PLPs are just too smart.I am so glad that you understand what tongue and cheek mean or did you google that? Am closing the door on you jekyll and Hyde as you bore me and I find it incomprehensible that you are even able to use the keyboard on your computer.You want a panacea for all the difficulties facing you then stop trying to act intelligent.Be like your buddy Sax get lost or change your name again lolo lolo.I have deliberately used the correct word comprehend as it is obvious you need to add this to your vocabulary.Its an adjective that you should have used instead of the incorrect one illiterate.See, I know better than you.

  26. @futurevoice
    Ignorant, Illiterate, Bias and Old are words that describe MAJORITY of THE PLP base…. Thats a fact. Typical example Altec and Russell Johnson.

    Just because us young people disagree with The PLP administration they are quick to to call us FNM’s…. Majority of Youths gave Mr. Christie a chance in 2002 to see what he would do. Well LOVE IT OR HATE IT… MR CHRISTIE IS OUT AND INGRAHAM IS IN.

    Ignorant fools like Altec cant man up and admit that their leader made some big mistakes which caused him The Elections. Even a bulk of THe plp base agrees with me.

    Whenever THE FNM implements something to help the people.. PLP’s have soo much to say without MUch solutions.

    SERIOUS TIMES calls for TESTED LEADERSHIP…. Ingraham has proven he can perform when The Bahamas RAIN or SHINES.

    It takes a number one hip too make the same mistakes OVER, and Over and OH YES OVER AGAIN….. Perry G. Christie is that HIP love it or hate it…. Mr. Nottage didnt mean PC no good from day one… BUT TIME after TIME oh yes and AFTER TIME Christie accepted him with HUGE HANDS…. Serious Times calls for NO WEAK LEADERSHIP. Gave the man who was a threat Leader of the house of operations, gave him CB Moss seat, Gave him a whole MINISTRY and now that same man kicked him in the hip AGAIN and did it so rude. ……..

    PERRY CHRISTIE GATS TO GO and STAY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. @Russell Johnson

    for the last time Bahyouth and I are two different persons.

    Russell you are clearly illiterate. Now remember, you MAY be able to read and write but you can still be REGARDED as illiterate, in the sense that you cannot understand what you read.

    I do not think BAHAMAS YOUTH is inferior to me, we simply have different styles of writing, but I don’t expect you to be able to see that.

    I am not rich, nor did I grow up fortunate. However, unlike you I refuse to be part of the uneducated that Greenberg spoke about and is doing something about it!

    PLEASE READ MY POST AGAIN and try to understand what I am saying.

  28. @Bahamasyouth
    Just because you and futurevoice are supporting the same party gives him/her no right to think they are better than you.Stop rolling over and playing dead.If you do not respond nothing you might say from now on will be acknowledged.

  29. @Altec
    The bench is very deep and age and maturity are certain to produce results that can benefit our country.Detractors of the PLP are seeing the second wave that is certain to result in even Torchbearers crossing the floor.Futurevoice can learn a thing or two about the demographics of the Bahamas as he just might go in the wrong area with his more superior than thou attitude.the jerk actually said the PLP needs ,” more prosperous voters”.

  30. @Bahamasyouth
    lolo lolo the man/woman also says you are challenged as regards you as lacking in education.Let them explain to you what they mean by their comments.Be a man and standup to them and show them that you are not meek and weak.Are they saying that your socioeconomics does not allow you like them to get schooling overseas? Read over what they said again and you would realise that they are insulting you.Forget about our disagreements and call them out.Your credibility is on the line.

  31. @JR
    Welcome to the camp of the believers in Brave.I was there with my Be Brave badge.Like I told persons on this blog Brave is good and you aint seen nothing yet as he gets more comfortable in his new role.Remember now Brave has appeared before the Privy council more times than any Bahamian Barrister or Attorney.Brave is the PLPs ace in the hole and the CDR will swiftly get independent voters to shift to the PLP.Senator Hope Strachan was in her glory at how a branch meeting turned into a rally.

  32. @Russell Johnson
    looka you trying to cause PROBLEMS… Russell since you want stoop so low… What Future Voice said about DEMOGRAPHICS is very true… Let alone they forgot to talk about EDUCATION LEVEL… Most PLP’s are people who are high school drop outs or/and no college education.

    Also just take a good look at the conventions i saw plenty people who are on retirement or on the verge at the PLP convention…. Oswald Ingraham wife was sleeping in the front row lol…

  33. futurevoice :@Russell Johnson
    I assure you this is not Bahamasyouth, If you were younger and not in the older catagory, you would be able to see that the writing styles are distinctly different.

    Bahamasyouth this writer thinks you are inferior to him and your educational background is lacking in every facet of distinction.You better straighten him/her out as they are dissing you.I despise him/her for trying to take my job in switching you from time to time.

  34. @futurevoice

    ” more prosperous voters,” you say now thats food for thought.
    Firstly you think bahamasyouth is stupid and not worthy of your respect.You brag about your socioeconomic advantage but fail to tell us that your family have gotten rich at the expense of the disadvantaged.Am happy that you have responded as those who might be on the fence can now see where their future lies.You have no common sense or I would be the last person in the world who you would seek to challenge.When you come back to the Bahamas make sure your attitude has changed and you have more tolerance for the majority our disadvantaged.

  35. @JR
    JR so refreshing to hear we are now on the same page. I listened to the meeting on Gems and yes they were all good speakers but Brave was my MVP too. A person with the reputation for being one of leading litigation Attorneys must have something ‘up there’. PLPs just need to keep it up, don’t lose momentum.

  36. BP, I haven’t been on in a minute but I have been paying attention and there are some curious shifts in views from certain people. I’ll leave that there but what I can say for sure is that if the meeting last night, which I attended and the one on Monday are any indication, not only is Carl G O N E as Bradley Roberts said, but so is Earl and every FNM MP in New Providence except for Branville, the most popular FNM by far, and Brent because the white people will never vote against Pops boy.

    I support the PLP so i won’t even pretend to be unbiased about my impression from last night. But I have to say that the contributions were well prepared and spot on. Ryan, you don’t give yourself enough credit. You called Mona Vie Man out as the low down rotten liar he is and you did it using the facts and information and class. My star of the night goes not to Big Bad Brad or Cool PC, both of whom were very very good. It doesn’t go to the three, count them, three young men under the age of 27 who spoke either, who were also very very good and had key points. I think Randy Dorsett is a rising star in the PLP. Where he been hiding all this time. No, man, my MVP for that meeting was the man even I had my doubts about. Brave was the real star last night. Brave delivered a prepared speech but he was engaging with the crowd, was funny at the right times but was also firm at the right times and had the people moving with him. All those people who thought Brave couldn’t deliver on the stage, I hope you watched him last night. It may not have been flowery like Obie but his speech wasn’t full of do do like Obie. He had style and substance and BP, you know me not to be a Brave supporter.

    Call me a believer now.

  37. canesfins :

    Examiner :Folks, I just came from the town meeting in Seabreeze, Carl gone. As for the idiots that say the PLP is old,they should have heard the three young speakers tonight. Papa Doc and Carl them gone.[Reply]

    It was a good meeting tonight – I thought the speeches were good and touched different areas of importance.

    You spoke very well on the financial services sector and the foot dragging on the TIEAS.

  38. @Russell Johnson

    I assure you this is not Bahamasyouth, If you were younger and not in the older catagory, you would be able to see that the writing styles are distinctly different.

  39. @altec, thinkwefool and russelljohnson

    Sorry russell I could not listen to the pep rally tonight I do not live in the Bahamas at this time. BUT YOU P.L.P’s just don’t get it!! Here are snippets from a report the P.L.P PAID FOR BUT REFUSE TO BELIEVE.

    With the PLP the majority of its support ranges from 60 years of age and up, the PLP won the majority of its votes also in one socioeconomic group — “those with less than a high school education.”

    “The PLP’s narrow demographic base of support is worrisome. Depending on older and lower-class voters is not a recipe for long-term success as the former die off and the country and its citizens become more prosperous. The PLP needs to update its posture and rhetoric so that it has greater appeal to younger and more prosperous voters,”.

    Need I say more! The report is damning and the P.L.P still refuses to accept defeat and the GREENBERG report!

    MEDIA YOU SAID TALENT AND SKILLS LOL! LOL! You need to use some of those skills to construct proper sentences and talents to check the spelling!

    Media I will still give you your props, I must say I have seen some improvement in the writing. Keep it up, one day you may be worthy enought to be considered a real journalist.

  40. @futurevoice
    Bahamasyouth you are so naive that you have changed your name.I told you that I cause people like you to disguise themselves.But welcome back as your licking aint gone nowhere.Am certain you listened to the meeting on radio tonight and was impressed so cuss out your handlers and tell them you are now PLP.

  41. @Kim Sands
    Carl did not know so he was unable to tell no one nopt even his wife lolo.Here is the story that is circulating.each Sunday Carl was meeting with some Torcbearers and other FNMs as he was going to challenge Brent for the Deputy Leader position.PAPA got wind of it and sabatage by jnominating Carl for Chairman.He could not afford for the money arm of the FNM to be cut off.He really wanted to fire Carl but due to his slim majority decided to demote him to Chairman.Remember Carl sayibg that if the FNM wins the next General Election in 2022 he expects to return to the Cabinet.I just hope Carl does not get sick like he did when his son was in the sex scandal.Carl better get a seat in the back of the Ministers as he is now more junior than last time in Kennedy, Kentatta. I was at the meeting in Sea Breeze and from all indications Carl gone. He better try campaign for his seat and forget about looking out for others.

  42. Examiner :
    Folks, I just came from the town meeting in Seabreeze, Carl gone. As for the idiots that say the PLP is old,they should have heard the three young speakers tonight. Papa Doc and Carl them gone.

    It was a good meeting tonight – I thought the speeches were good and touched different areas of importance.

  43. Tink we fool :Wonder if pappa ga let ivoine write any more letters he was so gracious in defeat and johnley the one hit wonder i tell ya

    Ivoine do not write those letters. They are written by the Tribune, Kiki, Papa Doc and others. They just put his name to it. They have used him and rewarded him with a little job at BTVI. They then threatened to take that a way as well. Shame on Papa Doc aka Mugabe Ingraham.

  44. Folks, I just came from the town meeting in Seabreeze, Carl gone. As for the idiots that say the PLP is old,they should have heard the three young speakers tonight. Papa Doc and Carl them gone.

  45. @sexy

    you can’t talk to these ni**as like normal people. just let them tow they PLP line.
    These crabs don’t want change nuttin. That’s just how God made them.

  46. @rj

    Boy you stupid aye? That don’t surprise me though.

    I tell you I listen to someone and now you say I am someone. I just here laughing at you ni**a. Keep your day job and stick to bloggin ma boy. Detective work ain’t for you.

    You’ll know just who I am in the fullness of time.

  47. Lou and Forrester….STOP writing in CAPS. It is degrading and insulting for supposedly intelligent contributors doing such a juvenile or better yet a frustrating contribution.
    As for the discussion contrary to the story, The PLP convention was geared around their election and the renewed mandate of their leader, so the focus of the convention was around that.
    The FNM was geared around accounting for the State of the State and they also took advantage of the make up of the PLP convention.
    This country is split on views regarding every factor of life..No political party have a comfort Zone per say.
    What will not work is deception..The first indication of deciet will turn off the middle votes. If the FNM does something thats credible acknowledge it and if the PLP suggest something Do-able adopt it. WE have a country to build.

  48. Carl Bethel could have at least let Belinda Wilson the President of the Teachers Union know he gone. She said the only way she knew he had resigned, is when then they announced it at the FNM convention. There is always a right way and wrong way to go about things, I understand she said the relationship between them wasn’t all of that and you could see the lady was really struggling when she was trying to think of ways he might have enhanced the ministry of education. Sad to say, she wasn’t able to come up with anything. I believe he had a problem with the way she always used to show him up, that’s why he didn’t tell her. That woman aint one to roll over and play dead, if things aint right, she will let you know.

  49. Wonder if pappa ga let ivoine write any more letters he was so gracious in defeat and johnley the one hit wonder i tell ya

  50. @future voice save yaself you seem lost in the partisan jungle did you know that although the youth are a large section of the population they also dont vote das fa many reasons but its fact Fnm and Plp must have inclusive policies regardless of age race religon etc etc so what you sayin you cant see the present governments folliess n faux pauxs o u is the fisherman who fish dont stink where u and pappa delivering us ech where so far youll showin us what the european union doing for us but what is the f n m doing what there plan laugh crack joke fire people unaccountability police state be gratefulness thats the legacy

  51. futurevoice :
    This site just like the P.L.P party, filled with old heads who believe that only them can govern this country.
    At the P.L.P convention, the future leaders of this country were visibly absent(THE YOUTH). Any political party WITHOUT YOUNG PEOPLE WILL DIE a slow death.
    Instead of bashing the other party, you guys need to try and clean up your act and recruit some young people who will carry on the dream of Sir Lynden.
    By the way, you cannot attract young people who do not believe in your objectives and policies. The P.L.P has a history of rejecting young people.
    August past of this year made Christie eligigble for old age pension, take your pension and go enjoy life.
    To everything there is a season.

    Futurevoice, this is the first time i have seen a post from you, so welcome to the site.

    Now i have to take issue with the points you raised concerning the youth vote. As i have stated, the youth vote in this country isnt loyal to any party. In 2002 the youth fled to the PLP in mass and in 2007 they fled to the FNM in mass. You FNM’s does talk as if you all have a lock on the youth vote. Not so! No party does!

    Whats more important is people seem to forget that the FNM didnt even get 50% of the total votes cast in 2007. The FNM didnt get an overwhelming mandate like the PLP did in 2002. What that means is this FNM government has a smaller margin of error with the voters.

    This current FNM government is taking on water. Its you FNM loyalist who cant see that and wont admit it.

  52. @futurevoice
    Now Bahamas Press cannot speak for the PLP. But we want you to know Future Voice we know are filled with youth. This blog has a rush of energy, talent and skills.

    We are young, VERY YOUNG! Delivering RAPID FIRE on “PAPA DOC” who ran young people from the FNM convention last week. WE KNOW OF THIS!

    THE FNM ran, cuss out and chased from its convention young reporters! THAT’S A FACT! So when you talk about young people and the FNM FUTURE VOICE think for a minute about the CHILDREN OF EIGHT MILE ROCK HIGH SCHOOL! And then ask ya sef, “I wonder if we really think about supporting young people.”


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  53. Last week I criticised Juan McCartney and mashup vociferously came to his defence.He started saying some things that madee me realise he is in fact McCartney.The red brigade are desperate and can just feel the power going from them.There is a tape on this blog with Utah Taylor interviewing Rev Simeon Hall and the latter is wearing a red tie while the former is wearing a red shirt.Utah admits in the tape that he is an FNM supporter.It is a sign that persons posing as reporters will do all in their power to try and shape the thinking in their favour.I am reliably informed that most of the very very young people who we saw on camera were picked up and taken to the convention to develop a mirage affect.They cant even vote and are in school so you know money was talking to get them to attend.I say lets monitor these stations and if we have the opportunity let us corner them like bahamasyouth is now cornered here lo lol.I wonder where that joker has gone today,probably hiding under the bed.

  54. This site just like the P.L.P party, filled with old heads who believe that only them can govern this country.

    At the P.L.P convention, the future leaders of this country were visibly absent(THE YOUTH). Any political party WITHOUT YOUNG PEOPLE WILL DIE a slow death.

    Instead of bashing the other party, you guys need to try and clean up your act and recruit some young people who will carry on the dream of Sir Lynden.

    By the way, you cannot attract young people who do not believe in your objectives and policies. The P.L.P has a history of rejecting young people.

    August past of this year made Christie eligigble for old age pension, take your pension and go enjoy life.

    To everything there is a season.

  55. I guess they working on the weak areas… hit a man when he is down… bottom feeders…

  56. @ALTEC

  57. LOU :
    You know that Lincoln and Mike Pintard…They said they were non-partisan…Lincoln and Mike needs to STOP being “great Pretenders” talking about they are reporting unbiasly – total rubbish!

    You need to add Juan McCartney to that list, with his bad fake American accent!


  59. Pintard on the pay role dats a big lie if is true he is and always was an fnm reme`mber when he got fired from the radio station unbias my foot

  60. You know that Lincoln and Mike Pintard, were all over the radio (unbiasly) commenting that the FNM had their “active” youth up front at convention, whereas the PLP had all those “old heads”, who controlling were things. They said they were non-partisan (lol) when they believe that the FNM youth have much more “say” than youth in the PLP! Foolishness, I say, because, neither Carl Bethel, Ivione or Johnlee have any say! And they should have some “say” in the party ! Lincoln and Mike needs to STOP being “great Pretenders” talking about they are reporting unbiasly – total rubbish! I used to think and respect Mr. Pintard as a young man who was brave, courageous and full of integrity – I have since changed my mind ! You really can’t take the “country ” out of the man…

  61. To ALL..
    Did anyone hear about the second poll taken after the “other” party had their convention recently ? Well, the majority, now still prefer PC over HAI ! Especially the women. The men, seem to want to have a problem with both ! I wonder what the youth arm of the nation are feeling ?

  62. @MEDIA
    Man…that picture at the top of this blog is a welcomed sight to “politically sore eyes” ! The bright yellow (gold) may be symbolic of the “ray of hope” that the PLP will bring back to this wonderful nation, by God’s grace! That old “sea of red” has certainly brought gloom and violence (bloodshed) to this country! Oh, what a fool we as a nation, have been!!! We have “slept with the harlot” and have been doomed! Let’s “cleanse” the “red” and welcome the bright, beams of hope (the gold)!

  63. I know that this site is regularly patrolled by PAPA and his surrogates so they better buy plenty pampers.A Commission of Enquiry needs to be established charging the FNM Govt. with neglect as they have allowed CRIME to spiral out of control.Yes bahamasyouth you need to pay attention to the past or you will be bound to repeat the follies of that generation.

  64. @Altec
    Imagine the co ordinator and that Mrs Sands talking about neighborhood policing which is just a version of Urban renewal.That programme was launched at Bramshill College in April 2005.Here is the shocker Keith Bell and many other senior Policemen trained at Bramshill College years prior to the launch of Neighborhood policing and guess what the Officers wrote about as part of their Community Policing Project? I know you got the answer/”URBAN RENEWAL”.The Govt has whether willingly or unwillingly copied the countrys own programme using another name but lacking in all the components of the Urban renewal programme.For all interested, google neighborhood policing and see what the BAHAMAS has been able to export to the UK.I am certain that Mrs Lewis and Sands have not studied the Urban renewal objectives or they would be doing a better job than they showed today.Why hasnt the Govt. released the Police report for 2008?Here is the shocker,more than a third of the Murders that took place in the Bahamas occured in Nassau Village,Pinewood Gardens and South Beach.They are afraid now because many Polivemen who were fired unceremoniuosly by PAPA and scary Tommy are now talking and the FNM Govt shitting in their pants,

  65. They (the other party – FNM) lies TOO much, about what they have done and what they are doing! Citizens are tired, and WILL now always expose them for who they are – bunch of damn liars !!

  66. I am so GLAD..that we (PLP) are now going to be on TOP of things! No longer will we lie down and wait “fer the fight” – we are going to “bring it on” and take it to them! A very good stategy to go into the constituency where the first Minister was fired (oops.. resigned )from. We will do battle for the poor and those who are struggling. Let HAI fight for the “special interest groups” and the wealthy – we will fight for the poor and under priviledged! Good stuff..I’m excited…

  67. Russell Johnson :
    Can you feel it?The cootdinators of Urban renewal were on and they dont know their a.. from their elbows.An office suppose to be in Breadfruit St Pinewood Gardens but some residents call to say they are not aware.New Chairman and deputy Leader and look at what is happening.lolo thats the way you do it target areas represented by FNMs.

    I was listening and i was on the floor laughing.

    Thats what happens when you give a political appointee a position where a professional obviously should have gotten it. Mrs Sands and Lewis are totally out of their depth.

  68. Can you feel it?The cootdinators of Urban renewal were on and they dont know their a.. from their elbows.An office suppose to be in Breadfruit St Pinewood Gardens but some residents call to say they are not aware.New Chairman and deputy Leader and look at what is happening.lolo thats the way you do it target areas represented by FNMs.

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