Roberts points to the fact that TEAM LGBT is against Bahamians!


PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts

Butler-Turner’s tirade proves FNM is anti-Bahamian
Bradley B. Roberts
National Chairman
Progressive Liberal Party
June 11th, 2014

Having sat around the cabinet table and approved the privatization of BTC, giving the new owners Cable and Wireless the sole right to select its CEO without government consultation, Loretta Butler-Turner condemned and harshly criticized the appointment of Bahamian Leon Williams as the newest CEO of BTC.

The question FNM leader Dr. Minnis must answer and clarify to the public is whether or not the uncharitable and mean-spirited comments of the FNM’s deputy leader represent the official policy position of his party or is he in lock step with his deputy? Further, what is the FNM’s current position on Bahamianization and the general empowerment of Bahamians? Butler-Turner’s tirade appears out of step with the expressed ideas, plans and the role of Bahamians in this new Bahamas Dr. Minnis keeps talking about. The PLP condemns Loretta Butler-Turner in the strongest terms for her foolish anti-Bahamian attack on an imminently qualified Bahamian for the post of CEO of BTC.

Even though flip flopping has become the order of the day within the FNM, I say again say that Loretta Butler-Turner cannot approbate and reprobate on the same issue all at the same time. It’s juvenile and reflects poorly on national leadership generally.

It’s old, it’s tired and the deputy leader comes across as double-minded, duplicitous, confused and unfocused. This is a poor reflection on Butler-Turner who has expressed aspirations of one day becoming Prime Minister.

The record shows that immediately upon his return to the Board of Directors of BTC, Leon was able to demonstrate his vast knowledge of the telecommunications Industry. New Chairman Philip Bentley was able to get to know and to appreciate Leon Williams’ in-depth knowledge of BTC and the industry generally. He appointed Leon as his Special Assistant and of his absolute discretion selected this Bahamian to become the company’s next Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

I join my colleague Fred Mitchell in fully supporting the appointment of Leon Williams. Leon received much of his training and the transfer of technical knowledge while BTC was a state owned corporation. He is a fine example of Bahamianization, we wish him well and we are confident that his performance in this latest assignment will open doors of opportunity for more talented Bahamians.