Rodney Moncur Calls on Ingraham to account


Chinese workers in Coconut Grove

Nassau, Bahamas —  Residences of Coconut Grove, over the hillwere surprised to see scores of ‘secretChinese construction workers marching along Market Street and Palm Tree Avenue. The workers were making their way following the motorbike accident of 20 yearold, Delroy Rolle, who killed after he lost control of his trail 600 motor bike. Rolle died while popping along Palm Tree Avenue and crashed into the rear of a Mac truck being driven by 32 yearold, Kenwood Higgins, an employee of Henry Dean’s United sanitation company.

The Chinese workers marched in pairs as they travelled along Market Street and then marching east along Palm Tree Avenue. Surprisingly, they were not in possession of a valid permit from the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and the FNM has yet to inform the Bahamian people of the many; many secret construction workers preforming jobs locals are qualified to perform.

Rodney Moncur seeing this said, “The Workers Party condemns the FNM for not informing the Bahamian people of this Chinese Invasion and called for Mr. Ingraham to explain as to why and the FNM allowing the Chinese to take all the local construction jobs. Jobs, which are few during this economic crisis!”


  1. I saw about one hunderd of them walking on Prince Charles Dr. all dressed in brown sometime last week, i was so surprised i called 919…. that was a waste of time..

  2. There is a saying that tom is  no better than harry .SO you tell me who the tom and who harry is . Guess what they all selling out to the same people. Next the cuban coming soon because cuba and the china is friends. Watch

  3. We @ operation justice is going to investigate the full details of this Chinese influx to the Bahamas.We are going to educate the Bahamian ppl about every move that the Government and the opposition has been colluding in…Trust us on this!!!!!!!

  4. The chineses are working on the new sport complex. It a part if the “gift” from the Chinese government that the Perry Pussycat agreed too.

  5. The reasons  are simple  you know? They are highly skilled, they work twice as hard and fast for half the pay, they do not t’ief the man tools,  or fight on the job, and they show up for work on time and are easy to manage…

  6. Bahamas! Bahamas! Wake up! You’ll ain’t see nothing yet. Wait until the Chinese put that farm on the island of Abaco. Maybe now the dim and easily delusioned eyes of the Bahamian people will begin to see  just who Ingraham really is. What really has happened from sources in BAIC I am told is that most of the Chinese land is desert and they have ran out of land to farm on and this will soon create a major food crisis on mainland china. The question is, will the Bahamian people only get a stadium at Quenn Elizabeth Sports Centre for the land to be prostituted in Abaco? Or is someone in line to gain a major lawfirm deal… hmmmm. The dots are beginning to connect very very easy… 

  7. When I was driving down East Street on Friday, I saw these same Chinese men walking and I was trying to figure out where they came from. They doing work over here aye? I am very, very sad that Delroy lost his life, but at least people from the media were on the scene to snap photos of all these Chinese who are able to find employment here while Bahamian men can’t find jobs in their own country.

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