Ryan Pinder is the RIGHT MAN needed in Politics



  1. Sade you are a DISHONEST WOMAN! An EXTREME LIAR! and if we should say, a DAMN LIAR! You voted in this current poll on Elizabeth once. You just did it to be exact, today. Since BP/Cardiff polling in Elizabeth commenced we have had ONLY three tests done!

    As Justice JOAN SAWYER would say, “YOU ARE A VERY ‘VICKED’ WOMAN to come in this court of public opinion and attempt to defame this court! BE QUIET! be quiet!” LOLLOLOLOLOL! [fall out the chair].

    You not know what you speak. You cannot vote more than once in this poll and other readers will tell you this is the case.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. Ha! Ha! Ha!  First of all, I just voted for the fifth time in Bahamas Press crappy rigged “poll” – so there.  And, Ryan is good at yelling but there ain’t nothin’ comin’ out of his mouth.  Wake up people!  He is like the slave overlord telling you he loves you!  WAKE UP! Or consider yourselves field or house and nothin’ more.  Free at last, free at last – thank god almight I’s FREE AT LAST!

  3. Obie got his dose of Massachusetts blues –
    ‘Lizzie Land Ryan’ will give Hubie his dues:
     ‘Adolph Two’ can’t get it right – he’s in for a fight;
    An’ this is a fight that he’ll lose!

    ‘You can fool some of the people, some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time!’

    Comment: Democracy versus Dictatorship!

  4. Obie got his dose of Massachusetts blues -‘Lizzie Land Ryan’ will give Hubie his dues: ‘Adolph Two’ can’t get it right – he’s in for a fight;An’ this is a fight that he’ll lose!’You can fool some of the people, some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time!’Comment: Democracy versus Dictatorship!

    Bahamas Court of Appeal Judge, Guilty of Misbehavior.

    Hi all, I am a practicing Solicitor from the United Kingdom with roots in The Bahamas.I was wondering if anyone here watched the 4 part YouTube clips series on the Court of Appeal President (Justice Dame Joan Sawyer), and her Abuse of Power. I will give her up to 30 days before she is dismissed for misbehavior, or demits Office. Watch the clips below, and post your opinion.PART 1 OF 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hc0V1FoSssPART 2 OF 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTUh4FVLIEsPART 3 OF 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB9X05jPiDUPART 4 OF 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT0ka_gOdS0Thanks.

  6. And they say white men can’t dance! My man Ryan gat moves!  On a more serious note, can’t wait for Feb. 16.  Ryan all the way!   SAVE THE BAHAMAS!!

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