Scandal hit Christie Cabinet within 100 days – Minister approved a “Questionable” deal without Cabinet Approval


Opposition must stop ‘GOLD RUSH’ MP and begin an investigation through Public Accounts Committee

Christie must now fire his a Cabinet Minister or face major scandal that will engulf his government.

Nassau, Bahamas – When members of the Parliament reconvene on the 25th of July, Bahamas Press hopes members of the opposition will seek a sitting of the Public Accounts Committee to investigate the first scandal of the new PLP Christie-led Government.

Sources deep in the OPM tell us someone’s hand is already in the cookie jar and, from documents shown to us, the Christie Government could face its first test to shake out of its ranks a “tainted” shady minister.

In early May following the general elections, His Grace Archbishop Rt. Rev. Drexel Gomez urged the Christie administration to establish a ‘code of ethics’, citing the political party’s record and public criticism.

“As a matter of priority, present the Bahamian people with a code of ethics governing the conduct of the persons who are responsible for the management of the affairs of our country,” Archbishop Gomez said.

“I believe that given the history of this particular party, given the noise of the naysayers who are watching, and even criticising before you begin to act, it would do you well to show The Bahamas – and to show the outside world – that we do have standards, that we do have dignity, we do know how to conduct our affairs.”

Bishop Gomez added, “people were watching”.

But Christie did listen? NO! The Prime Minister proceeded to create his Cabinet without setting any standards or codes for ministers to be governed by. And now on day one a major scandal is set to hit the government.

According to the information shown to BP, the proverbial “manure” is about to hit the PLP Cabinet Room, and from what we know the question of “Ethical Standards” will once again surface.

According to the source, a Cabinet Minister, having sticky hands, has failed to follow protocols to notify the Cabinet when awarding a contract only weeks after being appointed.

The MP, we can confirm, awarded a total contract in the amount of one hundred and ninety-six thousand dollars [$196,000] to a company bearing his initials. The company, we can confirm, is known to the MP and could possibly be a shell operation designed to collect funds on behalf of the Cabinet Minister.

Bahamas Press, by cross checking the information with another government agency, can confirm the company awarded the work is registered to a general.

Archbishop Gomez warned Christie about establishing a Code of Conduct for his government. He failed to listen!

BP is asking how this transaction occurred without key ministries of the government having any inkling as to how this happened? In fact, the question is being put how did this happen without the Cabinet being made aware of the deal?

This development could open a Pandora’s box against the PLP Government, which has yet to complete its first 100 days, and could brand them as ‘CORRUPT’ before they reach that mark.

The development supports claims by the former government that had already branded the Christie Government as the ‘most scandalous bunch ever assembled’.

Sources inside the Party tell us both the Prime Minister and his deputy will be shocked to discover the developments and most likely scramble to do damage control by asking the MP to leave the new government.

All we at Bahamas Press are saying is this: “If you know the MP hands was sticky, why suffer the risk to appoint him around the table?”

Prime Minister Christie must now avoid leading a ‘scandal-tainted’ Cabinet and set the example before BP releases more. We say FIRE the MP from the Cabinet right away or suffer the eternal branding of being CORRUPT even before the end of the first 100 days.

We report yinner decide!