Social media blogger is dishonest when it comes to telephone company head comments…


Dear Editor,

I am very disappointed by the comments presented by Bahama News Ma Bey, a social media page on Facebook, which carried another lie this week.

That page told a lie when it said that the telephone company proposed a plan to block What’sapp followers in the country. That was not true. I listened to the newscast presented on ZNS and neither the company nor any of its reps made any such reference to blocking anything!

Anyone in the telephone business would know that the advances in modern technology are essential for the success of the telephone business. More persons talking means more data shared which means there is more revenue earned.

Additionally, to legislate against the use of social media would mean that anyone selling data would be out of business.

But, you know, when you get news from people who reported the lie that there were mass deaths on Long Island following the passage of Hurricane Joaquin means that nothing they say is credible or true. This was grossly dishonest!

We as a society must vet and screen what we hear and not take it as gospel.


J. D. Watson
Clarence Town, Long Island