Some Two Hundred Workers at the Our Lucaya to Go Home!!!


BREAKING NEWS <<< Though Hubert Ingraham is projecting a turn-a-round in the economy, BP can confirm more layoffs are on the way.

We have learnt officials in the Labour Dept. have been notified of pending layoffs at the Our Lucaya Resort on Grand Bahama.

BP can confirm the SILENT Minister was notified by the resort on Tuesday morning just before Cabinet meeting. MUMMS THE WORD! Sources on property tell us the first group will be dismissed this coming Friday.

Here is another report you will only read on Bahamas Press!


  1. I have worked in Grand Bahama in the 70s and 80s. Grand Bahama is not a tourist destination. Why can’t the governments see that? We keep hearing people talk thrash, putting money into something that has not worked for years. Think out of the box and find something that works for Grand Bahama. Those poor people are suffering emotionally as they do not know what the next day will bring.

  2. When the PLP was in power Grand Bahama was in trouble then. Its not so much a PLP or FNM issue. It is a world wide economic issue. Should the PLP win the next election people in GB would be fools to think that their situation will bounce back to what it was 15 years ago or more.
    First, GB has little to offer a visitor. Seriously, look at the product. Next to zero.
    Also, one person said that sun, sand and sea are not enough to attract visitors. This is true. That is old and stale tourism. People can get that in so many places and todays air travel makes it possible to have a better choice…a much better choice. It has nothing to do with white people as one post said. Fool. It is a major crisis here and elsewhere. It is global problem not a national one or even a regional one. The economy is a mess. People are now very selelctive as to how they spend their “extra” money. People want value for their vacation money. Notice how cruises how are booming. Why?

  3. Thomas Finley, you always seem to come up with an excuse for the FNM government’s failed policies. Grand Bahama was working when the PLP and Christie was in power; what say ye to that?

    • Profile: This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, as Lucaya has been failing since at least 2004. It’s sad, but the high fixed costs and low demand and spend of the visitors have been and continue to be a recipe for disaster. Those workers have been barely working under the threat of layoffs and mostly reduced schedules forever. Hopefully the hotel company will follow proper labour law and industrial agreements, accordingly. The business owners have been subsidizing the business for so long, we should all be grateful that they have kept people working for as long as they did.

  4. WRT Bradford Marine, that is just the nature of contract work. Anyone who has done construction understands. Move on to the next job. This is why we have to be skilled in at least 2 disciplines/trades, as well as be able to catch and prepare/grow our own food.

    There was a story on ZNS about a young woman who sews for a living. when she was in high school, we are told, her classmates laughed at her because she wanted to sew for a living. We all wear clothes, do we not? Why not keep the money here as opposed to sending it elswhere? We need to do more to promote the trades! And we can start by not telling only slackers to pursue the trades.

    To continue the themes trades, we are told the reason that Osprey and the other white firms get the large jobs is because they have insurance and are able to secure bonds. They are skilled at project management, and trained in business. In school, those of us who showed interest in academics were discouraged from pursuing the trades. Students who were slackers got into it, and though they can do the work, they cannot do the other stuff that is so important, like writing properly, or doing proper estimates with scheduling and costs breakdown. They cannot estimate materials because they can barely do basic arithmetic, much less geometry. It is really sad what we have done to ourselves.

  5. Sad, that is such a beautiful property! I believe the culprits are the expense in getting to GB, and nothing to do there. We need to build attractions: museums, heroes/national parks, street theaters, cafe, etc., something for guests to do that they cannot do at home, or on board a cruise ship easily.

    Atlantis is a giant success due to its excellent service and its theme!

  6. The Chinese are coming to Freeport by the droves.

    They will buy out the resorts and use their labor force to keep it afloat.

    The Bahamian will have either two choice…take a pay cut or go home.

    What do

  7. This is my home and I’m saddenly everytime I read about another economic blow to Grand Bahama! All of these “smart” politians we elected can’t figure out that the formular used for Grand Bahama is not working!! They keep trying to beat this dead horse of “Tourism” which have proven over and over again it does not work for GB!!!! The industrial industries are what works for GB, this is where their focus should be. It’s sustainable, it lucrative and it not seasonal!!! The PM is a strong leader, but the downside is that he only surrounds himself with people to won’t challenge him and who don’t have balls!!!His guys have 90% of the seats in GB and have not brought anything to the table as it relates to solutions/new ideas for GB!!! Grand Bahamian let’s make this next election speak to the pain and suffering that is and has been felt for years! Let’s tell them that they could stick their t-shirts (red or yellow) where the sun don’t shine! Let’s let them know that this election is not about the parties and their politics, this election is about the lives of people of Grand Bahama!!!!!!

  8. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, as Lucaya has been failing since at least 2004. It’s sad, but the high fixed costs and low demand and spend of the visitors have been and continue to be a recipe for disaster. Those workers have been barely working under the threat of layoffs and mostly reduced schedules forever. Hopefully the hotel company will follow proper labour law and industrial agreements, accordingly. The business owners have been subsidizing the business for so long, we should all be grateful that they have kept people working for as long as they did.

  9. with all the labour issues in the bahamas minister Foulkes is only able to speak when the prime minister allows he seems quite content to just collect his monies as a part time minister

  10. On the ZNS television programme,The Sawyer Report,mr.ARAHNA WHO IS THE CHAIRMAN OF URCA made the statement and i quote,”I DON’T KNOW HOW C&W GOT TO THE TABLE AND IT DOESNOT MATTER.”Well i have news for mr.ARAHNA,the German defense minister was recently FIRED FOR PLAGARISM AND HIS DOCTORATE DEGREE STRIPPED FROM HIM.If the chairman of URCA DOES NOT KNOW OR CAN DETERMINE THAT C&W GOT TO THE TABLE THROUGH A LEGAL,TRANSPARENT BIDDING PROCESS THEN THE OBJECTIVE AND PROFESSIONAL ACTION TO TAKE IS TO REJECT C&W PURCHASE OF BTC!!!However,i don’t expect mr.Arahna to take this PROFESSIONAL ACTION since he admitted that the prime minister APPOINTED HIM to the chairman position in URCA.PS the programme was shown on the 02.03.2011 on tv 13 .

  11. Deez white ppl is do us bad dawg. dey is use us up like two dolla whores and wen dey finish dey does kick us in our hip. da guvment wrong fa allowin dis. wen dese honkies cum here and build hotel da guvment need to tax them harder. cause all dey doin is takin advantage of us and gat us fa slave an ting.

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