Statement From The Chairman of the PLP – Responding To Duane Sands On Crime

CHAIRMEN Duane Sands and Fred Mitchell

STATEMENT: So, Dr. Duane Sands, the judicially condemned Chairman of the FNM, has a bloody nerve to criticize the Prime Minister and the PLP on crime in a voice note. He who broke the law and lost his job as Minister of Health because of it.

He accuses the Prime Minister of engaging in public relations and wants the PM to sneak around the country to visit crime victims so the FNM can say he is acting secretly and without transparency.

Dr Sands and his colleagues’ only contribution to the crime debate was to accuse the Commissioner of Police of being a liar.

The Prime Minister has said that the Leader of the Opposition is a person of interest in a crime against the FNM’S Vice Chair Richard Johnson.

The plans of the PLP on crime are sharp and direct for both the short-term and long-term.

The FNM neglected the young people in this country. The PLP is correcting all of that. The investment in our young people is the answer. The police are doing all they can. They will get all the resources they need.

The bail act amendments are only stalled in the House because of requests of the FNM.

Dr Duane Sands, your comments were asinine non-sequiturs. It is better to follow Mama’s advice: be silent and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and confirm that you are one.
