The death of Marinette Leadon is all connected sources tell us!


BP goes into deep investigation following that shooting death of an elderly woman on Sunday morning…..

65-year-old Marinette Leadon

Nassau, Bahamas
— Police are indeed working hard to solve that case with 65-year-old Marinette Leadon, who was gunned down inside her bedroom following an attack on her home.

Bahamas Press has been putting the pieces together and we have an exclusive which proves that these violent attacks are all related and retaliatory. But here’s what we know:

On Friday a male was shot on Celery Street in Yellow Elder, just behind the home of Ms. Leadon. Bahamas Press has identified that shooting victim as Don Sweeting, better known as “Reds”.

Get this: “Reds” is the brother of Delano Sweeting and Toni Sweeting, a former police officer, who both were charged in that drug bust at LPIA following that $64,000 cocaine seizure at the country’s main port of entry last year April 19th. Don, Delano and Toni are all the children of James “Tons” Sweeting, a bigtime drug lord back in the day. But the story gets juicer…

Don [“REDS”] is also a good associate of a man who goes by the name RAZOR [ a known hitman], who had skipped town after falling out of friendship with a known crime boss who is now serving time.

Therefore, following that shooting attack on Don, is it believed one of the suspects thought to have been in that Friday attack either lived in or associated with persons occupying the home of Ms Leadon; thus the early Sunday morning bloodshed, hail of bullets and torching of the vehicles in her yard.

Bahamas Press is often asked when do you think the murdering will cease? All we say is this: when young Bahamians learn how to remove themselves from the sale of contraband – then – and only then – will we see the bloodbath stop.

We report yinner decide!

PS: Just for your information and update that ex-police officer Toni Sweeting is now out on bail.

Ex-officer Toni Sweeting at an arraignment.