The famous sexing spot Hibiscus Inn on Carmichael Road is where a police officer was caught with a 13-year-old missing teen….


Police officer P/C #4070 Patrick Taylor set to be charged at noon today with having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old minor…

The famous sexing spot Hibiscus Inn on Carmichael Road is where a police officer was caught with a 13-year-old missing teen.

BP BREAKING| BP is learning a rogue police officer, P/C #4070 Patrick Anthony Taylor, has been arrested yesterday after allegedly being caught having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old minor, who has been missing for some days.

A female staff at Hibiscus INN on Carmichael Road has also been arrested for attempting to obstruct police in the exercise of their investigations.

It sounds like the police officer constantly takes the people ‘churrin’ in this motel? Who vetted this officer before allowing him to wear uniform? Was he discharged from the RBPF? We await the police update on this.

Taylor will be formally charged before the Magistrate Court at noon today connection with a sexual assault.

We report yinner decide!

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