The GG Goes to Final Hour Global Ministries in Fox Hill

The Final Hour Global Ministries began its15th Anniversary Convention on Monday July 4 with special guest speaker the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., theological scholar and retired senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Ill. Pictured from left: Apostle Dr. George O. Fowler, Founder and General Overseer of Final Hour Ministries; Dr. Saveleta Fowler, Lady Foulkes, and Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes.


  1. The “old church” is centuries old dating back to early civilizations. Every layer of the garments or robs represents signifiant symbolisms. The new ‘faith based’ churches, in all reasoning, should not even attempt to emulate these traditions, unless they are willing to commit to the whole meaning not just the parts that may suit their personal agendas. Their focus would be better place if they would concentrate on the teachings of Jesus Christ. In none of Jesus’s teachings did he subscribe to the wearing of historical garments, instead he focus on rescuing the hearts of men, love, building family, caring for communities, forgiviness and anything that uplift the whole man and brings him closer to God. They seem to be missing the mark big time!!!

  2. @Tonya, Your posts and your bishop’s attire scream so loudly, that we decline your invitation. I cannot bear to look at this picture anymore. You’ve missed our concerns: history, significance, self-appointment, mockery…

  3. God is concerned with our heart not our clothes. We are required to render our hearts and not our garments. The Good thing is that no one enjoys a monopoly to our God. Catholic, Anglicans, Apostolics etc.. are all needed to spread the message of Christ. Beloved let us love one another.

    • If the clothes don’t matter then why not put on jeans and a T-shirt? He would still be preaching the word of God. But he wouldn’t do that would he?

      • I can’t speak for this Bishop but I know many preachers who preach in jeans and t-shirts. You are right someone preaching in jeans and t-shirt would still be preaching the word of God. Be bless.

  4. Oh one more thing please!! were not Anglican’s nor Catholic’s but were APOSTOLIC and our home is open to ALL race who wants to learn about the true word of GOD!!! Stop by tonight. Were located on Fox Hill Road or call the church for more information!!!

    • I wouldn’t learn a thing because I would be too busy looking at the garb and wondering what he’s trying to say and prove.

      I agree with TiaMaria

  5. Interesting indeed. When the the Catholics or Anglicans wear there vestments other denominations thought it to be sacrilegious. Now all of a sudden everyone wants to be a Pontif and wear priestly garb. He may be a man of God, but the puffy shirt and the Mitre he adorns on his head doesn’t add up. By the way where is your bishop’s crosier? The Catholic don’t even wear those frilly shirts. Looks like he came straight of a Shakespeare story. By the way how does one be an Apostle and your wife the General Overseer of the Church? Truly interesting.

    • I’ve learned saying as a child growing up “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all”!!! How can you speak so ill about God’s chosen who (prays day and night for you and your family) when you never met this great man and woman before? The reason why the world is in this mess is because we read to much shakespare story and not enough about our food supply THE BIBLE! i’ve also learn that in order for you to like the book you must first read it…..think about that!

      • LOl. People are so quick to defend their pastor. The issue here is not the man’s character, since you seem to know him personally. The issue is, why is he dressed like the Pope, does he know the significance and origin of what he is wearing? If not, he should take them off and stop making a mockery. It’s funny how people like to bash Catholics and Anglicans but always try to imitate them. Apostle? At least Catholics claim APOSTOLIC succession. Where did this man come from? Who appointed him?

        • LOL! Whoever you are Tony you need to chill. No sense you getting in a twist over people having a laugh. You say the problem with the Bahamas is people don’t read the Bible. But you illustrate to the ‘T’ that Bahamians don’t read at all. No one is taking away from this man’s calling or your beliefs. These are simple questions that perhaps your pastor may car to answer? Does he in fact know the reason he is wearing what he’s wearing? If his message is the word of God then he should have no trouble answering such questions. Also if you are as Christian as you say you are the comments should not be offensive to you. You should be like a duck in water and let them role of your back. Instead you are all huff and puff. You want to talk about Bahamian problems.

          Your response is exactly whats wrong with this place. Bahamians don’t know how to laugh at themselves and they take things too seriously. And excuse you, what makes you believe that you have some monopoly on the “True word of God?”

  6. @Tristan, I guess when you compare to the Anglican and Catholic bishops I would have to agree. Does he know the history (and sacredness) behind the pieces he is wearing? Should I ask about the studies and training……never mind!

    • In the book of Psalm God teaches his own by saying through his vesel David we must “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb”. @fatman although their asleep we who are awake must always bare the infirmities.

      May our Judge and soon coming KING Bless you all!!

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