The Kiwanis Club of The Berry Islands delivers $5,000 The Salvation Army

Mrs. Lisa Armbrister – Salvation Army Office Assistant, Major Roodolph Meo – Divisional Commander, Distinguish President Don Haynes – Kiwanis Club of the Berry Islands, Lieutenant Governor Irene Rolle of  The Bahamas Sunshine Division 22 of The Kiwanis Clubs and Captain Marc Eddy Momplaisir of The Salvation Army.

NASSAU| The popular Christmas song, “Sleigh bells ring are you listening” took on a different meaning for the residents of the Berry Islands during the Christmas Season.

For the first time in the history of the community the yearly ‘bell ringing’ of the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Project was heard in the ears of the residents. The Kiwanis Club of the Berry Islands (KCBI) answered the call from the Salvation Army to assist in their efforts to raise the sum of $200,000. 00 as the Army sought to continue uplifting the survivors of Hurricane Dorian, as well as to reaching out to other families who were in need.
This was also the first time KCBI had worked with the Salvation Army on such a meaningful and impacting project. The club not only joined forces with the Army, but reached out to the community, businesses, and winter residents in the Berry Islands to participate in this worthwhile cause. The response and excitement were outstanding, and the results yielded some five thousand dollars ($5,000. 00) raised on behalf of the Salvation Army.
Major Roodolph Meo of the Salvation Army sees the project going a long way, and even suggested that other Islands can adopt the idea of ringing the bell in 2022 to assist others in simply being able to survive in their seasons of life.