The Punch pressman found dead in apartment


Nassau Bahamas – Pressman Fred Rolle of the Punch was discovered dead in his apartment on Friday .

Early reports confirmed that Fred died of a massive heart attack. The hardworker at the Punch was always on the job, training and retraining staff with the operation. In fact up to Wednesday’s publication of the newspaper one coworker said, Fred said he was not be feeling well and later went home.

However, on Friday a concerned neighbour reportedly saw Fred’s vehicle did not move up to Friday morning, and therefore being concerned, attempted to call out to his neighbour. There that neighbour discovered Fred dead in his apartment.

Bozine Town Resident Fred Rolle, dead at age 49. May he rest in peace.


  1. Was fred a full time employee? because if he was a hardworker always help with the training of the staff,when he did not show up to work why no one check on him after all he told someone that he was not feelin well.

  2. What ever happened to respect fot the deceased. And for mankind in general. We all must travel that road, no matter your race, colour or creed. R.I.P. Mr. Rolle.

  3. Fred was my Dad, and i miss him so much, he was my role model and he always had a possitive energy about life and everybody around him, when he was alive he did alot of bad but his good made up for his bad. I know my father is in a better place from here, away from people stress and headaches, especially females, who like to bother my daddy on a daily for money and etc…, I was my dad heartstring(favorite child), may his soul rest in peace until we meet again. Daddy i Love You

  4. Fred was a good man to all, I meet him 1989 never lost contact, God call him home for a reason, which will may never know why. Fred was born a bahamian but was also consider a Floridian. I know is sole is at eternal rest. Pembroke Pines, Florida truly miss you.

  5. We should not judge others. In the same way u judge others u too will be judge. For those that are left behind we need to search our own lives and make sure we are heading in the right direction. JAH ROLLE will truly be missed, he has touched so many lives. May he rest in PEACE. ONE DAY YOUR NUMBER WILL BE CALLED, MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY.

  6. To last days, firstly, every day is a last one for those that are alive, we wiil not see this day again. secondly if every human on this earth repent then we will have no need for hell if everybody going to heaven.I have never seen an animal in sorrow or I miss the signs. Rest on brother Fred Rolle may god
    grant you eternal rest. We bahamians are too negative
    and take every opportunity to express that.

  7. So if you were to fall sick and die, then I guess that would be your judgment. You are an asshole last days.

  8. “Jah Rolle” was truly one of the good guys. It was always a pleasure playing with and talking to him he will truly be missed…

    I am sure “Apache” has you pencil in the lineup on 1B(first base)

    RIP Bro..

  9. more judgement is comming to the punch this is only the beginning of their sorrows.REPENT!

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