There've been another apparent suicide in the capital


dscf9421<<< Paul Fenlon.

ZNS’ report on Fenlon’s suicide story.

Bahamas Press has learned that another young man has committed suicide here in the capital. Paul Fenelon a 35 year old resident of Carmichael Road west became the latest suicide victim here in the country. Police discovered his body near the Marshall Road area this morning, with a  fatal gunshot wound to the head.

Friends close to the victim told BP that the young man was ambitious, who also had a young family.

“I can’t believe it is him, Paul was just a nice person, and why he would end his life in this manner is just beyond us,” a family friend said. Paul had was a trucker and owned a cleaning company.

Police found a gun close to the victim with his lifeless body slumped in his vehicle parked outside a church yard in the area. Many believe the spiraling economy is reason for the rise in suicide cases now occuring in The Bahamas.


  1. Paul God knew you before you were formed in the bell.To him your soul belongs.You are now in the bosom of Jesus Christ.Justice will be served.To the family that u left behind,God will take care of them.

  2. @Child of the 60,s
    I suppose I agree with the idea that we need more church initiatives. We need programmes that teach young people to avoid situations that cause them to erupt in violence. But the church can only do so much. Change begins with the individual. There are many families that do not even go to church anymore, and call on God only when they need him. God abhors violence and lasciviousness and envy and jealousy and all of the ills of our nation.

  3. Where are our church leaders?Instead of talking richness they must speak of survival.Progressive thinkers are needed in these difficult times so selfishness must go be a thing of the past.Our church leaders must come through with initiatives that would assist our people and mend the broken spirits.I refuse to listen to any Parliamentary debate where bullshit is spewed.Bahamians are hurting and we need a saviour and these present politicians are just talk and no substance .May the soul of our departed brother rest in peace.And Loretta Butler Turner where are you?

  4. Trinity,

    I keep thinking about the young man who use to come to my house and witness to my son. NO WAY he would have done that. He loved his family too much and I have known his grandmother, mother and then his father ALL OF MY LIFE. Money or bills would not have caused him to take his life and if it was sickness,like I said, he KNEW the Lord and he knows who is the greatest Physician.

  5. @Fern
    You are so right. There is something fishy here. The police cannot just pass this one off. It has not sat well with me since I first heard about it. Paul loved the Lord. He loved those kids. He was a family man. This is just not right. Besides, he was the kind of person that would have talked to someone if he was in dire straits. We are living in troubling times, but my heart is not well with this, not at all.

  6. Nobody knows what lies within a mans heart.

    Definately this is a great loss to his family and friends. I have known paul for many years, we had been through a few things and this is definately not the Paul i knew, but as i said in the beginning, nobody knows. May god be with you “Fennie” . Sorry it had to end this way. I will miss you.

    Your buddy from P.I.

  7. Media

    When Paul and his wife lost their jobs on Paradise Island and had just bought a home he did not take this cowardly way out. Instead he took that as a sign to go into his own business and he was doing well.


  8. Media,

    I have known this young man of GOD for too many years and I certainly DO NOT BELIEVE that he killed himself. THIS WAS A MAN OF GOD. A MAN WHO LOVED THE LORD AND HIS FAMILY. Please encourage whomever to look at this situation again. Paul loved the Lord too much to take his own life. He KNEW what this kind of action meant. He witnessed to too many persons to then turn around and do this unbandonable SIN. investigate this case again, please.

  9. I honestly cannot believe that Paul took his own life. I met him years ago. He was a lively spirited, and inspiring young man of God. It is so hard to believe that he left his family and friends to mourn him. It does not seem like the kind of person he was. In fact, it seems strange that he had made plans for his son. I know that we are all experiencing hard times, but it is my faith that keeps me moving forward. I find it more difficult to believe that Paul would do to this to his loved ones than to believe he is no longer here.

  10. I knew Paul really well and he was a proud and industrious young man who loved his family. It must have taken alot to break his spirit.
    He will be missed by a multitude of people.
    In recognition of the life Paul lived it would be wrong to take this tradgedy and turn it into politics.Instead we should pray for his family and try to remember him for the life he lived and for the many lives he helped turn around.
    God blesss hjs soul and may he resst in peace

  11. Media it would be good if you can bring back that Annie video every so often, the sun will come out tomorrow. I am just tried of hearing about these suicides, it is just so heart wrenching. It seem as though people spirit are down in the country and they could use some encouragement.

  12. It is not easy when the bills keeps rolling in, and you don’t have the money to pay them. People are just so depressed about the conditions in the country that they have become so discouraged that they no longer care how such fatal actions will affect their families. Some believe suicide would probably be the best way out. With all of these people losing their jobs and businesses are failing left, right, and center, I know a lot of people out there are hurting, because they don’t have no idea how they will be able to keep up with their bills. I just want them to know, when we came here bills were here and when we dead and gone bills will still will be here carrying on. So don’t worry about Mr. Bills, he would surely take care of himself and you have to take care of yourself. Once you could find food to eat and a place to sleep, hang in there things will get better.