Thirty Organizations ‘Gifted by BTC'”

Mrs. Sophia Hart-Rolle, BTC Senior Manager for Exuma & San-Salvador presents a donation to the Barraterre Community Fire Department team.

Although this is considered a festive time of year, there continues to be many among us that need extra help and assistance. This year, BTC gave over $50,000.00 in donations and support just for Christmas. 

Over thirty organizations throughout the length and breadth of the country received donations enabling them to lend a helping hand for those in need. The Boy’s Brigade in Inagua, the Senior Citizens Recreational Center in Long Island, The Old Bight Mission Home in Cat Island, Lovely’s Feed the Children project in Abaco and the Beacon School for exceptional learners in Grand Bahama are among the organizations in the Family Islands to receive donations. In New Providence, the Great Commission Ministries and The Bahamas Red Cross are among the recipients. “Giving back is a part of the DNA of this company. We appreciate the support of the public and we take every opportunity to show just how much their support means to us. In all things, it is important that we continue to be our brother’s keeper. There are so many people in this country that have been met with difficult times, especially since the passing of Hurricane Matthew. We hope that this small deed of kindness extends where it should to help those in need,” said Leon Williams, CEO. 

In addition to sponsorships and events, BTC continues to give back to the community wherever it can. As customary, the company provides donations to charitable organizations throughout the country especially for Christmas. 

BTC also has its iVolunteer program, which lends a helping hand to support community initiatives. Recently, the BTC iVolunteer Program delivered Thanksgiving Lunch to the homes of over one hundred retirees in Grand Bahama and New Providence for Thanksgiving Day. The iVolunteer Program will host children from various homes throughout the country for a special Christmas Party on December 23rd. The iVolunteer team, through its partnership with the Kiwanis Club, will deliver Christmas meals to over fifty families on Christmas morning.

Mrs. Ann Armbrose, Customer Service Rep for Cat Island presents donation to the Old Bight Mission Home for Children.

Ms. Chelera Walker, Customer Service Rep for San Salvador presents donation to the Cancer Society of San Salvador.