Thompson now resorts to the bottle


Jack Thompson<<< Director of Immigration and appointed returning officer in the Elizabeth by-election Jack Thompson seen here just weeks earlier at a ceremony at Government House with his immediate boss Brent Symonette. Hmmmmmmmm.

Nassau, Bahamas — What could it be, which caused the returning officer for the Elizabeth by-election to be seen staging home drunk as a bat on Friday?

Bahamas Press’ eyes on the ground can report Director of Immigration, Jack Thompson, was seen being led into his car and driven home drunk as a bat over the weekend. What could be the cause to Thompson’s drunken stupor?

Sources close to Jack Thompson said Hubert Ingraham handpicked him as returning officer for the Elizabeth by-election. BP believes Thompson is now being hammered by his conscience as he rejected three lawful ballots cast in favor of PLP candidate Ryan Pinder in the marathon election recount.

Readers should note had the ballots been accepted Pinder would have won the election on the white ballots by one and on the yellow by six votes.

Cabinet Ministers sitting in the room during the recount led a fierce attack on the additional ballots being accepted and insisted that the ballots should not be counted as they intimidated Thompson to reject them.

Thompson who is never seen in public drunk was lead home in the late night hours. He is a broken man. Look what they’ve done to the Christian gentleman.

We need Change!


  1. LMAO @ MEDIA man I live for this site I’m here dyin with laughter.
    Perter been had damn issues, he despises this site so much that he is on it DAILY!
    As for JACK DANIELS a mean Jack thompson he gettin what he deserve JUDGMENT.

  2. OMG! Is this really necessary? What can be gained from defamation of character. Mr. Thompson is a civil servant and I am certain that he did his job to the best of his ability. He has served in high office under both PLP & FNM. He served overseas (Canada).  I personally know Mr. Thompson and he is a fine Christian gentleman. Anyone who knows Mr. Thompson would NEVER believe lies about him being drunk!  If you know Jack Thompson, you will know that he is fair& honest; a gentleman!  The person who posted the lie about him is not worthy to drag Jack Thompson’s worn out shoes!

  3. Gorman you are so paranoid now that everyone arounds appears to be Peter Carey.Are you having flashbacks  No I am not Peter Carey.Take easy

  4. OK OK NCL AKA Peter Carey who brought in Americans and students to vote in the Elizabeth by-election. Keep calling the names of innocent persons on this blog and Bahamas Press will have the pleasure of telling the world just how crooked and VICKED Peter Carey really is.

    Keep it up and we will read your entire crooked CORRUPT HISTORY to the entire world for all to see and read. And then block you off Bahamas Press altogether!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

    • every one knows Bahamas Press is  a watered down version of BLACK BELT whose editor was GORMAN BANNISTER So who are the innocent people.I SAY BOYCOTT THIS FILTHY RAG.

      • No no no body Betty AKA Peter Carey persons need not boycott, all you need to do is STOP THIEFIN PEOPLE MONEY AND FLYING IN VOTERS and people will have nothing to read.


  5. Tink We Fool, how did both parties act irresponsible in the bye-election?, give a real answer please.

    • @awakened where shall i start well the usual place at the begining Both parties hyped and stirred the populace into a frenzy evidence-Brent vs LauraBoth parties glutted the area with personel and resources. was tommy the cousin of duane supposed to be in the room? and in what capacity was he acting same with brent?…….The whole set of unsavoury commentary about citizenship and illegal migrants that have yet to be substantiated it beehoves me to see a system operated the is fataly flawed(electoral process) and is know to both major partieswhat has upaid bills got to do with the process surely the court is in a position to enforce its own ordersAt the end of the day the whole affair was conucted in a manner that could lead to serious consequences in future elections why was the plp uncertain about the seat in the early days after all it was Be brave that said lets do it and the campaign began in dat real enough for you ?

  6. Mr Tompson is a civil servant second to none he fix up road traffic and is he who revamping immigration so that is where the matter rest……the courts will decide the matter which is basically a shame …..this has nothin to do with Nr thompson both parties acted irresponsible in this bye election

  7. I don’t know Mr. Thompson. However, I observe how governments ( plp & fnm ) seem to have confidence in him… Let’s be careful not to sully the reputation and good name of public servants.

    I think politicians are fair game, that’s what they sign on for…

    We could question the performance of public servants.
    Commend and criticise when necessary but articles like this should be condemn

  8. It is no secret…. JACK THOMPSON is indeed a political prostitute…. However his ***** ways digged him into a hole he can’t get out of this time… He is an accessory to a crime against democracy….. Shame on you “Jumping Jack”……When Christie say the devil is a liar……. This really don’t go the way Ingraham has plan…..

  9. I’m confuse is this site operated by PLP’s hierarchy?… This site seems a bit scandalous in its reporting and can cause misunderstood facts. Jack Thompson is very very honest and he tries not to show no favorites.  Mr. Thompson is a very funny man I guess it may seem like he is intoxicated but I think this type of reporting is UNNECESSARY and UNETHICAL. WHERE IS THE PROOF that he was drunk?…. I dont know whether this site is trying to damage Mr. Thompson’s image to start DRAMA but its very wrong when he only is executing his job in a fair manner.

    • I just love it when persons like you can defend anything once its to the detriment of the PLP.Jack is punch drunk as his bosses will cause him to face ridicule from the Courts once its proven that he disregarded precedence and threw out lawful votes.And this ncl smith aka bahamasyouth should be ashamed of himself for being paid to say silly things.But after all you all support the FNM so what more can we expect.

  10. I have know Mr. Thompson personally for almost thirty years and he does not drink or smoke.  Maybe he was just not feeling well on that day, I seriously doubt that he was drunk.

  11. I know Mr. Jack Thompson to be an honorable man.  What he does in his private time is his damn business.
    I know Mr. Thompson to be a  a good God fearing man.  Therefore, I will judge him no other way.  

    • Omar, I was hoping that no one would even make a comment here.. BUT you did.. I want to thank you for standing up for people… Earling Williams, Goman Bannister and Carvel Francis and the rest…. have no shame.. they do not see that someday.. what they do in the dark will all come to light.. This is a new low and I am so ashamed that I have to come here and correct these unfair  untruths aabout public officials.. I cray shame.. to all the PLPs on this site who come and glory in the stink that comes from this siste.. I now beg you all to stop it and stand up for what is right… THIS SITE has hit an all time LOW…

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