Thousands OF TAX DOLLARS go south in another Tourism Scandal???…


What happened to the funds paid to the Caribbean Muzik Festival which never came off?!

This clown was also to perform at the Big festival! He was not invited at the last BIG RIPOFF EVENT!
This clown was also to perform at the Big festival! He was not invited at the last BIG 12 Million-Dollar RIPOFF EVENT!

Money keeps vanishing out of the Ministry of Tourism and not a damn soul checking and the Opposition is just as quiet! WHAT IS DIS?!

Minister of Tourism Obie  Wilchcombe set to be chased out of constiutuency.
Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe must explain what happened with public tax dollars at botched cancelled event!

NASSAU, Bah – Bahamas Press is at this hour investigating the details of another Tourism Scandal which comes after a six hundred and fifty thousand dollar [$650,000] sponsorship was advanced by the Ministry for a festival but it never happened.

The highly anticipated event, which was to happen over the weekend but never occurred, was cancelled with no explanation.

We learnt over the weekend that, while music hacks like KB and others were said to be scheduled to perform “Jokey Leaders” live onstage, out of nowhere the event was cancelled while one musician was in the practice room getting ready to make their way to the event site.

In early October when the event announced it was to be sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism, the Minister of Tourism, Obie Wilchcombe, said, “….we also want to take this opportunity to celebrate the spirit of freedom, equality, and friendship with our Commonwealth and Caribbean brothers and sisters. What better way to do that than through our music and our rich cultural expression?”

The last time the same suspects had an event in the Bahamas the same thing happened! Beris Hammond never showed up.

Many would remember, when Ingraham was in charge, how BP exposed another scam by the Ministry of Tourism when a firm, which opened a $10 Bank Account in Delaware, offered to provide promotion for the Bahamas but nothing was done after almost more than eight hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars [825,000] was paid with no services rendered for the country!

Then in 2012, just when Wilchcombe dem took over, Bahamas Press revealed how a female employee had to be escorted off the property in the Ministry after a discovery that more than $60,000 had been wiped off the MOT foreign bank account. The funds, when traced, led to the private account of the employee!

The big question now is this: What has happened to the public money – which could now be lost indefinitely!

We ga watch and then we will report!