Three confirmed dead and scores injured


14126_380599773506_525283506_3961654_6386438_nFreeport, Grand Bahama — Freeport Container Port, a member of the Hutchison Port Holdings Group was hit by a freak weather system this morning around 11:30 which injured several employees, three of them fatally.

Gary Gilbert, CEO and Godfrey Smith, Director of FCP expressed the company’s deepest sympathy to the families of those employees fatally injured, and offered the company’s prayers for the full and complete recovery of those injured and currently being treated at the Rand Memorial Hospital.

“It is our hope that these persons recover fully from their injuries,” said Mr. Smith. We grieve with the families of those who lost their lives today, and as we regret the loss of life of anyone we are deeply saddened by the incident that took the lives of our employees.

Mr. Smith pointed out that until all families of those injured are notified and updated on their condition, the company will not release their names. Presently all employees have been accounted for, and further details on the incident will be released following a full investigation by the relevant authorities.

Mr. Smith noted that the incident this morning has caused an interruption in the service Freeport Container Port provides.


The crane collapsed into the ocean killing all in the office 100ft high.


  1. My sincere condolences to the families of those that were killed during the tornado.

    On another note, I think Minister Earl Deveaux should resign. Any minister who closes a meteorological office to accommodate foreigners, was notified of it’s importance, promised to reopen it and forgot, should not be fired. 

    I call upon Minister Deveaux to do the right thing and resign immediately.  He has messed up all the government utility corporations, screwed up Saunders Beach and now is responsible for what happened in FPT.

    Minister D, do the honorable thing and resign now.

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