Two Cabinet Ministers want their office fitted like a jailhouse to protect them from members of the public…


Angry workers say Jeffery Lloyd and Lanisha Rolle should go and pay the OBEAH MAN ON AUGUSTA STREET A VISIT!

Ministry of Education Youth Sports and Culture Headquarters on University Drive.

Nassau – Two Cabinet Minister have run scared after seeing the Tsunami ‘Enough is Enough’ march this week and we know requests have made to double insulate the walls inside their office spaces immediately.

Sources inside the Ministries of Education and Culture told BP both Ministers Jeffery Lloyd and Lanisha Rolle had made requests to have built a second wall around their offices spaces inside the Education building on University Drive.

One source told BP, “To insolate the offices of both ministers could produce more problems for the flow of air inside the building, which runs the risk of further developing mold like conditions for the entire staff. And why would any Minister want to lock themselves inside their office like a jailhouse? This does not make any sense! Sounds like both Ministers need to make an appointment in Sandilands!”

The fear of Ministers meeting members of the public – many who are hot like a pot against the Minis Government – is real. Even when educators attempt to approach Minister Lloyd especially, security drivers loudly caution those approaching to “STAND DOWN!! STAND DOWN!” as if someone was seeking to attack the Minister. Well, what is this?

Advice from workers inside the complex for the two Ministers – who have shabbily treated minimum workers; sending many them home for no good reasons – is that they should go see the Obeah Man on Augusta Street in the inner-city as this perhaps is the reason for their claustrophobic desire to lock and wall themselves deep inside their office spaces.

We report yinner decide!