Uncle rapes his 11 year-old niece on Bimini…in other news Son of Politician arrested for wife beating


Breaking News out of BIMINI <<<

Bahamas Press is reporting a rape incident on the island of Bimini at this hour. We can tell you the victim the 11 year-old girl niece of the attacker. The rapist is a 36 year-old father of six.

We are told the victim is not the first of her uncle’s WICKED ATTACKS! He was being hunted down by residents on the island and therefore he ran to police for safety.

Meanwhile deputies in the United States tell us they have in their custody the son of a Bahamian politician. We are told the FNM politician is gravely disturb following the arrest.

We can confirm the son had beaten his wife BLACK AND BLUE, then pretended following the incident as if nothing had happen. He was taken into custody this week.


  1. The blantant dishonour and devalue of females in the country must be openly addressed with measures that would balance society as it is sickening to sit by in silence.The disrespect and dishonour of males is at an all time high with reasons which have an underlying cause. The morales of the nation is one in which sex has continues to be a weapon of choice by many instead of the gift to be shared by two who honours each other. Battering females appears to be acceptable and shattering their lives a way in which those who have been designed to heal the nation are left to defend for themselves. Sexual harassment is a past time for many who know that Chapter 99 along with violence is unaccepted yet there is a law within the law which affords others to get by because of favors. The Bahamas remains asleep in the midst of social ills and wisdom need arise to return sanctity of life to her inhabitants. Doing the same thing, ignoring the same issues result in no changes and the scorn of many whose integrity have been kicked to the curb for alarming something is definitely wrong. IT IS TIME FOR AN AWARENESS THAT WHAT WE DO TO ANY MALE OR FEMALE WE DO TO ALL IF WE REMAIN SILENT IN THE MIDST OF WHAT IS GOING ON. The 11 year old and wife are females who need indepth healing and reconnection – may it be that they see their true value even though the experiences seem to have lessen it for both as well as others who have had similiar experiences.The uncle and husband are the lacking reflection of real manhood which require immediate revisitation. Humilation is the lowest form of control of which increases prostitution as it begins with the abuse of females in all forms besides greed for money which is another story. Dr. Timothy McCartney need return to the Bahamas to reintroduce the unlying causes and remedy for Neurosis In The Sun as written by him forseeing what has befallen the nation some 30 plus years after his writing. We have a son of the soil who needs to address the nation and update us on what are the steps to get out of this rut as well as others who are sincere to heal the nation.

  2. judymae, i like you style. but, i don’t think that you have gone far enough. cut of their tongue… cut off their ears…. cut off their ting… cut off their sack… cut off their hands… and, cut off their feet.
    but, make sure they do not die because i want them to suffer until they are 94.

  3. @ sexy caramel & karlssen Firstly I sympathise with the young lady who had innocence ripped from her by a no good bastard.This behaviour does not dominate the characteristics of the majority of Bahamian males therefore the attacks by you two are uncalled for.Being from countries where this behaviour is quite prevelant you two need to behave and look in the mirror.

      • @ Sexy caramel My mouth is full cant wait to get rid of my discomfort so show yourself.By the way I dont beat or get involved in any alternative lifestyle but am a spitter.Why dont you just leave since you despise Bahamian men so?Dont blame me for you being a slut.

        • I’m making money off of y’all is why I’m still here you ass… What kind of incest is this? Now you have an uncle laying with his niece? What is it with you people? You Bahamian men don’t like your women so you have to resort to fucking your own family members? Disgusting! Let alone a child? Then y’all beating on these women? Come on ugly people…Get it together!!!!

          • @ Sexy caramel I called you a slut and obviously you agree as you have not addressed the truth.My mouth is still full so be ready slut.Oh and by the way your work permit is being cancelled as you are a bigot and slut.What a bitch you are who deserve a kick in the fanny.

  4. Ahh… Bimini…!
    Island of Lost Atlantis, steeped in gin clear sea waters, washed in sunshine;caressed by soothing breezes from the Great Bahama bank.
    Blessed by proximity to the Great Satan to the West.

    Home of child raping, cousin fucking inbreds.

    • it’s super/sick and sad! that this poor child was raped, but u make it sound like, every week a rape is reported in the island! come one now bimini is known 4 alot of things but rape&incest is RARE!!!

      • @nokia fan:
        You may be correct in your defense of Bimini, but I doubt it. Get with it, son. MOST sexual assaults and predation of minors, including incest, are never reported..
        And stop sounding as though you feel there is a level of pederasty we should tolerate! How many incidences of this shit should our society let slide before we begin to deal with it?.
        And I wonder what is worse..; The act of sticking your penis into a child(related to you or not) or sticking your head in your ass about it and pretending it isn’t so prevalent.

        Most islands historically, including (Insert name of ANY small populated island or isolated community) can boast high numbers of baby griners and cousin fucking inbreds.

  5. why do people say castrate men who rape. they can still use their hands to get sumtin else to harm a child/lady with. castrate and cut their hands off.the government need to use one of these rapist as a public example. then they will wise up. for the rest who thinkin bout it.

  6. What a damn shame! Stay away from these Bahamian men!!! They are abusive ****! All they do is beat on their women!!!! Bunch of **** *igga’s…SMH

    • Wow!!! The truth is: There is no temptation that a Bahamian man faces that is not common to all men… that’s bible. Its not a Bahamian thing. But there is a lot going on in this country.

      Lets raise the rhetoric though… please

  7. An FNM MP son in an UNGODLY SCANDAL? You must be mistaken BP. Only PLPs are scandal ridden.

    My priest often says, “You want to come in this church and tell me what to do, but you cannot manage your own household. Some of you sitting in here now don’t know where your children are as they haven’t gotten home from last night.”

    We have leaders in the HOA who parented sons and daughters that are now CRIMINALS, abusing their better halves and mother of their children??? And we hired these very clowns to bring the crime dilemma under control? Like it or not they must be held to a higher standard!!!

    • my refards to the girl of 11 in bimini….HANG HIS ***
      @rad born of a woman. sin have no boundries. i remember working with Bradley Roberts son Dominic before he dies in a plane crash off bimini loaded with drugs,Bad Brad was also accused of rape, and his son-inlaw who is Mother pratt’s Son. Miller son was taken out in a drug deal went bad. Pindling son leslie was arrested in west bay st area in the late 70’s or early 85’s. smoking pot, the policeman who made the arrest im told was never promoted??, Rev. Randy Fraser, head of the Child Protection committee was charge with unlawful sex with a minor?? now Bishop Davis is accused of collecting rent from squatters on govt. land, we could go on and on from both sides, lets not talk about the sissy sex scandals from the depths of the PLP to the wombs of the FNM. or the Bahamian national past time SWEETHEARTING, the whole govt and PLP would be in HELL. We are so far from been a Christian nation….Oh he land of all sinners

  8. Well one solution so they never do it again—either life in prison or castrate them and Im not talking just testicles———–all of it. He will forever be remembered y he cant have sex anymore

    • there are too many sex offender running a round in this bahamas, what is wrong with thse men they cant keep their …. close why they dont go hang themselves am so sick of the bastards, leave the kids let them be man god what wrong with men in this country , you walk the street you see them in their car trying to pick up little young girls and if you see who they are you would cry shame, wives do you know what your husband out there doing even at home keep a eye on them with your little boys and girls, there are too many families shut mouth about what goes on with their kids in their home MOTHERS please no love greater then your children and sick.

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