UPDATES in the Special Frank Smith Case now underway…


Barbara ‘BAG FULL A MONEY’ Hanna and Minister Duane Sands!

FRANK SMITH CASE UPDATE 12:50PM: Police Evidence show Duane Sands contracted Barbara Hanna on Election Day. It is now very clear here that Duane Sands – following the FNM election victory telephoned Barbara Hanna numerous times! These records were used by the Police to charge Frank Smith. Duane Sands has disputed the calls, however, Police testified and placed in evidence under oath what Sands is now refuting.

In Sands in his written STATEMENT to Police said: “Soon after I got my appointment, Mrs Hanna contacted me on my cell phone.” But Police have testified [according to the call logs] that it was SANDS who telephone Barbara Hanna.

Sands is also suggesting he does not know how her number got him his phone. WELL WAIT!

FRANK SMITH CASE UPDATE 12:15PM: Some 16 calls were made and 15 were made by Duane Sands to Barbara Hanna [WELL WAIT]. As the Court now decide on calls tampered in the call log which is a criminal offense on the part someone connected to the prosecution, we are learning that while Sands hand said that she called him – It is now being discovered that it was Sands who called her [BARBARA HANNA]. Hanna calls were less than twice to Sands if that much. We have a lunch break and it gets worse from here!

FRANK SMITH CASE UPDATE 12:09: All hell break loose today in Frank Smith case as QC for Crown accept submission of QC Knight that important telephone log; evidence submitted by the Police, was indeed drastically altered! The telephone record formed the basis for number of the charges brought against Frank Smith former PHA Chairman.


UPDATE 10:53: QC Knight had Duane Sands read his statement to the police. Sands acknowledged his statement of a secretary in Ministry of Health collecting 500 per month was not in his police statement.

Breaking 》》》》Duane Sands on cross examination by QC Knight that Barbara Hanna informed the Court that A Secretary in the Ministry of Health was being paid $500:00 monthly by Barbara Hanna… Breaking 》》》》