Wells cannot explain to the Bahamian people how a close friend coached him to sign the LOI! WHY?


It has been 30 days since Wells promised to tell all about the LOI – the public still waiting!

Last night on the news Wells told the WUTLESS MEDIA he wanted a ZERO TOLERANCE TO CRIME – WELL WAIT – LOOK WHO TALKING!

Nassau, Bahamas — PLP MP for Bamboo Town was once again spreading his sympathy for the death of Pastor Myles Munroe, while attempting to blow smoke about his reason for signing the Letter of Intent.

Renward Wells latest appearance was on Steve Mckinney’s show last week where he hid under protection of the host.

Wells explained not a damn thing as to how he signed a document  without any authorization by the Cabinet of the Bahamas or consulting any minister on the matter.

Sources now tell us Wells signed the LOI for a friend, who was in business with Stellar, and who had planned to profit from the deal, which we now know what orchestrated by two shysters  who are trained in the art of FRAUD!

No government file had record of the LOI, nor did any technocrat in the government had seen or vetted the document! This is UNBELIEVABLE!

BP can confirm not only did the Cabinet not see the LOI, but no one in the Attorney General’s office – which are the government lawyers, by the way – knew or examined the document.

Wells must explain how his signature got on a document where the Ministry of Works had no carriage! He should also reveal who was with him when the document was signed and who signed it with him when the fraud took place?!

Bahamas Press has revealed how JP Michelson – a member of the Stellar group – was before the courts for THIEFIN People Money! And another senior member of Stellar has gotten a judgment against him in the courts for money he allegedly stole from persons. The question which much be asked is this: WHAT WAS HOLY WELLS DOING WITH THESE THIEVES?! And how could what he did be good for the Bahamian people? It might have been good for him!

We report yinner decide!