What’s going on within the walls of The Bahamas Development Bank?  


I mean how could the Bank for Bahamians only book 1 loan for the year 2020?

Bahamas Development Bank

NASSAU| It seems Dr. Hubert Minnis has let his good friend and former campaign worker, Dave Shannon Smith, run amuck.  Smith is known for his narcissistic and “my way or no way” attitude. 

Before he was fired in disgrace, Smith ran The Securities Commission as Executive Director. Back then investors, regulators and practitioners deemed him as too difficult and someone who allegedly does not know what he is doing. Staff there were subjected to mistreatment and treated like subjects that must kiss his ring or be outcasts. It’s a wonder Minnis would bring him back to display the same incompetence and continue his reign of terror on staff and clients alike at The Bahamas Development Bank. 

Smith is in all his glory over the  move to the million dollar Robinson Road location, strutting around all day like a pompous peacock.  All them trips to Miami with his entourage “to buy furniture “ paid off.   Running the place like his own personal cookie jar. Hiring all kinds of friends and family who don’t know a thing about banking. Even providing some with contracts for service right under Minnis’ nose. Smith used the excuse that current staff were incompetent and as a result fired many while causing many to quit. Even the Manager of the Freeport Office up and quit abruptly last week. 

But one must ask the question why are these good people leaving the institution especially in a time like this?  Is it because of Smith’s poor management and lack of people skills and lack of knowledge? BDB used to book loans and help people.  With this new crew, they booked ONE BDB loan in 2020 and none yet for 2021! Minnis and Crew don’t seem to care as they were advised and did nothing.  Independent reports over Smith’s treatment of staff were ordered by the Board of Directors yet shelved by this crew to cover up for Dirty Smith.  Even the former Chairman Lynden Nairn, who was too smart for Smith and fought to keep him in line, was axed by the then DPM K. Peter Turnquest to enable Smith.  

I mean how could the Bank for Bahamians only book 1 loan for the year 2020?  Well, thank God for SBDC loans and programs to keep BDB busy.  The same SBDC whose beauty and brains Director Davinia Grant is someone who Smith makes a point of undermining and bashing every chance he gets.  Because, as we all know, he’s a misogynist who seems to hate any female that outshines him. Smith’s unprofessional and unsportsmanlike behavior will be the fall of BDB.  Because under his direction BDB can’t seem to get any programs up and running smoothly.  

His hate for others smarter than him runs so deep that on his arrival he canceled all Grand Bahama related projects without a care of the financial impact on its residents  just because the then Deputy Managing Director, whom he hated, was a native of that island.  

By the way, when will BDB submit its 2019 Annual Report?  An Audit really needs to be conducted because Dave/Shannon or whatever he’s calling himself these days always out conducting so called “business meetings” on the people’s dime. Do any of these meetings materialize to anything substantial because, like no other Director before, Aquafire, Social House, Mahogany or wherever he can’t afford to go on his own funds, can’t done. I mean trips to Miami shopping for furniture with an entire entourage living la vida loca.  We also hope the couple “business” trips his spouse accompanied him on were paid for on his personal dime and not from the public purse.  

He wants to be Dr. Minnis so bad. But can’t put together an original idea or plan to save his life.  All he doing is carrying out and using the ideas and plans his predecessors already had in place. Strategically sending out press releases as if he doing something but just saying plenty to say nothing.  Poor ting,  just a wannabe always name dropping, trying to make himself sound important.  Bragging every chance he gets that he’ll remain in place even if the government changes due to his familial relationship with the next Prime Minister Brave Davis. Allegedly even going as far as to try and change the existing policy to lengthen the term a Managing Director can stay in place.  Is it really the people’s time or is it Dave Smith’s time?

And finally, amid all the scandals, Dave trying to intimidate and mistreat staff. He is threatening to fire people, even at this 11th hour, the week of elections. This one lost his mind. This narcissistic moron is going to cost the government and the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in wrongful termination and damages if the powers that be don’t have the testicles to stop him. Making a mess for this government and the next … this guy needs his head examined. 
