The Father Of Lies Apologizes, But No One Believes Him


NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS – Last night at their so called Drive Thru Rally, the Lying King, Hubert Minnis, in a show of pure, unadulterated desperation, sent out a “Clarion Call” to all FNMs to go the polls and vote. 

During that “Clarion Call” Minnis, the Father-Of-Lies, gave a most dishonest and fake apology to his supporters telling them how sorry he is if he or his party offended them. BP’s agents were in shock, but continued to listen to Minnis who seemed to have put his usual arrogance aside to perform a Hollywood rejected act so that party supporters who he mistreated for years could feel sorry for him and put him and his corrupt crew back in office. 

So after Minnis made the plea, BP infiltrated the FNM camp and learned that Minnis’ plea was rejected – quick, fast and in a hurry. No one believes your lies anymore, Minnis! You are done!!

BP has a message for FNMs. Vote PLP or stay home! Minnis and his crew do not mean you any good. Minnis treated this country like his playground for four years – bleeding the system to suit his cronies and allowing his Cabinet to engage in corrupt acts to the detriment of all Bahamians. 

Most sensible FNMs have realized that Minnis is not good for their party or this country and the unanimous consensus between those sensible FNMs and PLPs is that MINNIS MUST GO!!!! He has destroyed the FNM as party supporters know it to be and his incompetence and arrogance has brought this country to its knees. 

Minnis is a mere fast-tracked politician who many had high hopes for. He came in like a chameleon, laid low until he was bestowed the honor of leadership and then his claws and true colors came out. He turned on FNMs and the Bahamian populace in general and what we got was a corrupt, dishonest Prime Minister that has fallen out of touch with everyone but his own ego.

Bye! Bye! So long Minnis!! See you in retirement!! Go home and carry your corrupt crew with you. No one believes your lies and apologies! Much too late for that now. PLPs and FNMs know exactly who you are. Check the ground, your mask has fallen off!! We can now see your  wicked face!!

We report! Yinner decide!