Who caused the suicidal death of a young 18 year-old COB student? Police has the cell phone evidence


17333_335937587052_517932052_4751538_6313462_n<<< Keisha Thurston dead at age 18 years-old after police say she committed suicide.

Nassau, Bahamas: Bahamas Press is concerned about the sudden lost of life now unfolding across the Bahamas. Young Keisha Thurston a student of the College of the Bahamas committed suicide Sunday.

Reports are the 2009 graduate of CC Sweeting High School was a smart adolescent girl. Word is she was not suicidal. Word is she helped others when they were in trouble. So what will drive a clever juvenile goodlooking college student interested in suicide?

A fellow student of Tourism Studies told BP, “This is strange. I cannot believe Keisha would take her life that way. And why people in her care were all away from her home? Where were they? And again everyone is asking this big question if she was suicidal who know about her troubles?”

Friends close to the young girl are beaten over her death with some inquiring if she was murdered.

BP is worried with this story, and we believe there is more, much more to this than put by the press and the police.

Since Sunday and all this week, your BP has been investigating this said suicide, and we are getting a different vibe.

BP’s deep throat on the Royal Bahamas Police Force told us they are now looking into a series of text messages between young Thurston and second individual. The 18 yearold we are told, who recently celebrated her birthday one month ago, was in communication with another person all that day when she took her life.

The CDU has the cell phone and is investigating and gathering all the information and is aware of text messages between the deceased and a person of concern. Nevertheless, we have classified this latest death as, suicide,” the police deep throat said.

Jeweleeya Matelus a friend of the deceased had this to say online:

24596_368463621209_671606209_5319077_6857604_n“Keisha baby girl, words can’t explain the hurt I’m feeling. I’m going to miss you like crazy, although we didn’t talk as often as we could but the fact of knowing you are there an I can reach you at anytime was a great feeling. However, now that I can’t reach you anymore it is so sad.

“I regret not going to your sleep over but that just made it harder for me to let go. We share so many memories. You were the one who taught me how to throw a softball during my first year on the team. We laughed had and we played hard. Rest in peace Pricket ((our nickname for each other)) love you baby girl.”

Travis WilliamsPalacious wrote:

“LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. psalm 90:1 The days of our years are threescore years and ten and reason of strength they be fourscore years yet is their strength, labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Psalm 90:10. So LORD teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10. May the peace of THE LORD GOD go with youFROM: THE MILLER FAMILY TO: THE THURSTON FAMILY. R.I.P KEISHA WE MISS YOU!”

BP is asking who knew Keisha was suicidal? Who knew this girl could commit such a thing? And why were her guardians not in the residence where she resided?

Since 2007 more than 20 persons have resorted to suicide in the country.


Keisha [far right] with her friends of CC SWEETING High School.


  1. bey ine care wa noone say Keisha DID NOT kill herself bey…dis girl was too happy n  had TOOOO much gern for her….i mean i would hate to believe that someone had something to with takin a GREAT friend sister and daughter from us but my heart just ain settling with this conclusion of suicide. this whole thing just is not adding up…man some1 if yal know something talk pleaaaasssseeee so her soul could b at rest n the rest of us that loved her can find closure. RIP keisha boo

  2. bey ine care wa noone say Keisha DID NOT kill herself bey…dis girl was too happy n  had TOOOO much gern for her….i mean i would hate to believe that someone had something to with takin a GREAT friend sister and daughter from us but my heart just ain settling with this conclusion of suicide. this whole thing just is not adding up…man some1 if yal know something talk pleaaaasssseeee so her soul could b at rest n the rest of us that loved her can find closure. RIP keisha boo youre gone but certainly not forgotten babygirl

  3. In my opinion, I really don’t think she committed suicide….for a person with so many people around her who clearly loved her, I think she would have at least talk to one of them about her issues (if there were any). I mean she does not fit the profile of a suicidal person, she had sooooo much going for herself, high school grad and now college student, involved in various sports, had a very active social life and was loved by sooooo many. Just doesn’t add up!!!

    • Millionaires and celebrities, those who are considered to have everything in the world and more commit suicide.  Why is an average person excluded in your opinion?

  4. It just does not make sense to me, what proof do the police have that indicates this young lady took her own life? Did somebody notice her acting sort of strange? Was there any suicidal note left behind? Was she feeling depressed in the hours leading up to her death? Was her family or friends aware of any problems that she was experiencing? I mean what’s the motive for her to take her own life. Usually when these type of things occurs, you know there is always somebody with the inside scoop as to why it might have happened, so far I haven’t heard anything. Until these question can be answer, I think it is wrong for us to conclude that this was a suicide and not a homicide. If somebody else was there with her and was able to gave an account as to what may have happened, then I could see that. Right now, we don’t know what happened in those final moments.

  5. Wow this news is just getting to be more and more heart breaking…..wat da hell is goin on drd….i kno my sis wudda neva kill her self and i refuse to believe such a thing…she meant the world to everyone…a great friend to be around…R.I.P KEISHA!

  6. um, it was a Sunday, the day most Bahamians go to church…that’s a solution as to why nobody was home.

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