Why Branville McCartney left Papa at the table?


fnm-dpm-brentNassau, Bahamas — Your Bahamas Press was the first to report on the resignation of Branville McCartney from the Hubert Ingraham led Cabinet. We were aware of the pending resignation for several weeks but we sat on the story at the request of our sources.

Sources familiar with the resignation told us, “Bran is a very bright and ambitious person, he was tired of being micro managed.” We are also hearing from certain quarters in the FNM that Bran intends to launch his leadership campaign in the very near future as “Papa” is expected to not run in the next election. We hope he takes Christie with him as he promised.

We are being told at this hour by sources very close to the situation, that Bran did not like how the release and the cancellation of the round up of Haitians was handled by Papa. One source in the High Command at The Immigration Dept said, “Minister McCartney was very irate at being countermanded by Papa, he made one statement on the Haitian matter, Brent made one statement, then Papa tried to make both of them look stupid, Bran has finally Manned up, more of those spineless jackals need to do the same”.

We believe our source was referring to Tommy and Dion who were alleged to have suffered a vicious cussing after the results came in on the Lizzy Bye- Election.

hubert-11We here at BP lend our support to Bran McCartney and wish him well in his future endeavours. We however, issue a warning to him to be careful and watch out for the attacks that will be levelled at him from those same people he sat around the table with. We contend that most of them cannot find their man and woman parts.

It is believed by certain high ranking FNMS that Papa sees the hand writing on the wall and can smell a pending defeat, it is believed that he will not offer for leader after the next convention scheduled for November of this year.

Bahamas Press reported in December, 2010 will be a very active political year and as you the readers can see, the bloodbath is about to begin. We will keep you informed as we have a ringside seat for the slaughter now underway. We to wish Papa well.

We need CHANGE!


  1. Well if it isn’t the GREAT THOMAS FINLEY! Man where in the world you been this time? You know BP missed your weighty/witty contributions.

    But you never forgot ya password. LOL!


  2. Bran can’t rule, and that is his ‘Christie heel’! Bran’s first order of business as a member of the FNM caucus, and especially an FNM is to ‘do no harm’! Sadly, Bran has caused the Ingraham goverment nothing but anguish with his media forays, and trying to direct and make policy. The nerve!

    I was shocked when Bran said that folk who hired illegals should be charged, and that a tent city would be set up at Inagu, etc., etc.,.. obviously the man does not understand the Westminster system. To say what he did in Parliament would be ok, but to call a press conference and make the statements was a direct challenge that had to be answered. Do not be so vain and prideful bran, it will not serve you well!

    We shoul also not be so naieve to think that any government, PLP or FNM of the past or present, was ever serious about the illegal immigration problem. Look how the mud was allowed to develop in the mud! A lot of people make a lot of money off of our hatian brothers, and they not givin’ that up. A token raid here or there, but that is all.

  3. Bran is a good man being advised by some vicked people. A lot of the slime and innuendo being slung came out of Bran’s camp. So maybe he is a crooked politician who knows how to scheme, but being a pretty boy all the politicos give him benefits when they should give him doubt. Just my two cents…

  4. I can see FNM winning in 2012 if Branville is LEADER OF THE FNM.  Other than that theres nothing much happening for the FNM. I wont even acknoweldge the PLP if they continue to have Perry Christie.

  5. I don’t blame Bran for resigning, Papa wasn’t showing him no respect. Every time he is there trying to do his job , papa is come right there interfering and messing things up. Papa is go making these half hazard decisions pertaining to immigration policies and changing them up as he go and don’t discuss it with him. They haven’t been on the same page for a little now. Bran was working so hard to get the problem with illegal immigrants under control, for Papa to come and do foolishness. When those officer calling Bran all hours of the morning when they run into problems, Papa is be in his bed sleeping. It’s Bran who has to be up all hours of night with them and Papa can’t show him the respect he deserves, will I don’t blame Bran for making this move. I being supporting Bran from day one and now I support him with this decision.

  6. Well CONGRATULATIONS to Branwill! Ive said all along that he is too decent a person to be intertwined with that oogly backside amazon gorilla. Branwill is a man about his biznis. he does his job and he DOES IT WELL!  He would make the perfect candidate to lead this third party. the merger of stuart, rollins and moncur. With branville as their leader i see nothing but progress for this nation.

  7. I saw this coming just b4 the bye election in Lizzy but recognised that McCartney would not jump until the results from the election were in albeit an election court will give the dinal results.McCartney has shown he is not a slime ball like Kenyatta Gibsomn and Malfred Atterley.How McCarney survives in the FNM now is going to be very interesting.PAPA is Caligula and will try to isolate him and command others to marginalise him.Are we about to see the BDM or NDP finally get a representative in HOA?Is the prophecy of some pundits about to bear fruit?Who will replace McCartney?BP you mention blood in the water but I see flesh and clothing.

  8. BP, if HAI doesnt offer himself as leader, then i will bet you a case of KALIK that Tommy will be “leader elect” and Branville and Laing will battle it out for deputy!

    We are about to witness the 2002 FNM election scenario repeat itslef all over again.

  9. BP, i take this resignation by Branville to mean one of two things

    1) HAI ISN’T running in 2012 – i think Branville has to know and be convinced that HAI ISN’T running as leader of the FNM in the upcoming general election because it would be foolish for him to make this move against HAI if he was returning.

    If  HAI won, Branville would be relegated to the back bench and thus out of sight for the next 5 years because HAI will not let him sniff a cabinet post again. So if he is convinced that Mr Ingraham isnt running, then maybe this move was about preparing for either a leadership bid (which he would loose) or deputy leadership bid (which he would likely win). But even if that is the case, resigning now wasnt necessary.

    2) The working relationship between Branville and the PM deteriorated to the point where he just couldn’t take it no more.

    I think this is the more likely reason.

    Branville should have known that as an MP and cabinet minister, you cant make overtures that suggest your gunning for the top seat when your not sure what the man holding that top seat is going to do in the future.

    Branville should have known better but when you read your own press, you begin to smell ya sef and HAI made sure to remind Mr Mcartney knew who is Michael Jackson and who is Tito Jackson, lol.

    But what Branville has that Mr Ingraham doesnt is time.
    What Branville has that Tommy, Brent, Carl and Shavargo dont is a fresh face with no baggage. In other words he can afford to lay low and not deal with Mr Ingraham’s crap and in the end I think thats what he has decided to do.

  10. Press Statement
    By the Progressive Liberal Party
    February 28, 2010

    On the Resignation of Branville McCartney MP from the Cabinet

    The resignation of Branville McCartney as Minister of State for Immigration is a source of serious concern for the country.  Mr. McCartney was responsible for driving the immigration policy of the government.  In the midst of a crisis in Immigration, the Minister resigns.  The Prime Minister must give a full and frank explanation for the comment of Mr. McCartney that he believed that he was being stagnated within Mr. Ingraham’s Cabinet and could not fulfill his full potential.

    Mr. McCartney’s comment is a serious indictment of Mr. Ingraham’s government. His resignation has exposed the truth of how Mr. Ingraham governs the country and his party. The PLP believes that the country is not well served by the conduct of public affairs led with bombast, harsh words and disrespect as a hall mark of governance.  We warned against it from the day Mr. Ingraham first took office.

    Now the FNM has turned on one of its own.  The country must be told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on this matter.

  11. Papa is a man who wants ALL the credit when things go RIGHT and looks for a SCAPE GOAT when things go BAD.Papa was hoping that he would have won the Lizzy bye election by a handsome margin so he could FORCED the PLP to get rid of mr.Christie.Unfortunately his plan didnot work.Now his BEST friend Christie has DEFEATED HIM in the 2002 election and the bye election,so it is no surprise that mr.Ingraham smelling A HUGE DEFEAT IN THE 2012 ELECTION WILL ELECT TO RESIGN rather than fight.In truth mr.Ingraham is nothing more than a SCHOOL YARD BULLY.

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