With or without insurance at BAMSI, following the arson at the property underwriters would not have covered the damages, insurer explained!


Why is the media still questioning whether BAMSI had insurance as if that would have solved the arson attack?!

BAMSI building burnt down just days following a tour by the FNM.
BAMSI building burnt down just days following a tour by the FNM.

Nassau, Bahamas – Questions continue to swirl, brought up by members of the WUTLESS MEDIA who argued that, following the intentional burning down of the BAMSI male dorms, how was it the building wasn’t insured.

BP in-house underwriter expressed outraged at the media who continue to harp and bite into a moot point.

“Why are they continuing to bring up the point as to whether or not the Bamsi Male Dorms had insurance? While that is important and, yes, had an accident occurred on the property, the building would have had no coverage, but the point is moot! It is moot because even if the building had insurance, no underwriter – having found out that the building was burnt down by a worker at the site – would cover the insurance. We don’t pay out for arson.

“The real point that the media should focus on is what led to this dastardly criminal act and who are the persons involved! To ask why the building didn’t have any insurance is like asking why was it painted beige? Insurance does not cover for arson and therefore for that point to continue for months, and now years, is just silly.”

Meanwhile, no member of the Insurance Association has brought clarity to this point and the media has just run off with the debate in the wrong direction.

If BAMSI building had insurance and the arsonist committed what he did, would it have been any different from where we are today? NO!

The building burnt down by a relative of a sitting FNM MP just days following a tour by the Party.

We report yinner decide!

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  1. Another silly comment by bp in house something. Arson is covered unless it’s the owner that commits the act. Replace that guy and that 3rd rate contributor Roker.

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