Ingraham GONE?…PM Indicates his intent NOT to run in 2012! It Ain't Long NOW!


trifor_pm_remarks_1_<<< THEY RED AND THEY SCARED – Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and Junior Minister Zhivargo Laing at an event. (File photo)

In an emergency Cabinet meeting on Wednesday Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham indicated to his Cabinet colleagues that it is possible that he will not seek a fourth term as Prime Minister.

Bahamas Press has learned that Ingraham told members of his party that the time has come for a successor to sit ready for the BIG DAY!

On May 2 the Ingraham government will celebrate its second year in government, which has been hampered with a slow start. Stalled by a global recession the FNM government is finding it difficult to manage major job losses and business closures in the country. With unemployment now pegged above 12%, Ingraham assured his colleagues that the time for transition is near.

The Prime Minister however is running full steam ahead with his unemployment relief package, which will began later this month. Registration for the programme will begin this Saturday, April 11th.

Opponents to the Ingraham government suggest that the Bahamas will be a fully operational welfare state by he end of Ingraham’s term, suggesting that no one but Ingraham has brought this disaster and pain to the Bahamian people. “They’ve removed the people from the dreams of prosperity foreshadowed under the one-term Christie government, where thousands were employed but now have lost their homes, jobs and business in this country.”

The party opponent suggested that it is possible Ingraham’s failures will be seen through generations of Bahamians unborn, where he has hung a noose of debt around their neck. “Ingraham has borrowed in 2 years, what it took Pindling to borrow in 20 years, however the infrastructure produced by Pindling against Ingraham’s 2 recent years is like night and day.”

Sources in the FNM are also confirming that it is possible that the party will begin its leadership transition this November at party convention, just days after the PLP conclave. However party insiders are said to be begging Ingraham to stay on.


  1. Fern: I had a major in Psychology and a minor in Political Science way back when as well as a degree in Education. Too late now for me to become an active politician. WOW: If New Providence moves in the direction of local government I could agree with you. Until then, I believe only a person who has an on-hands interest in the constituency should represent the people. But your suggestion is certainly worth a second thought.

  2. Interesting Mr. Blow.

    I love those ideas put forth. You sure you are not a politician in the making?

  3. Joe, I think you have some good ideas and are heading in the right direction. The only thing I have a problem with is the point of the candidate being a resident of the constituency. Why eliminate the person who is possibly the best candidate for the job just because they don’t live in the constituency? How about I meet you half-way and say they must live on the island where the constituency is located.

  4. What I really believe is that the standards should be higher for choosing candidates. It seems as though anybody can run and win and we have no clue about them beyond the superficial BS they give on paper. Not everyone that has earned success in other areas can step outside of their box. So although our candidates may look good on paper, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they can function well in the areas they are thrust into as politicians.

    I say we have debates. This can allow Bahamians to learn more about the candidates and their perspectives, maybe even give them a platform. It seems as though our MP’s are put into places that they have no rights being, and we end up suffering in the end. It takes a whole lot more than these people inherit to make ministries function properly. This is why we have so many costly mistakes being made. Besides that, am I the only one ashamed when MP’s get up to speak, or are ineterviewed by ZNS or whomever? It’s only then we find out how ‘intelligent’ they are. Don’t get me wrong, some members of parliament are articulate and others not so much. We have to be more assertive in setting and even demanding that the standards be much higher. Somewhere along the over the years we began to settle for everything.

    Look at our country and the way it looks. It’s a disgrace!!! Look at the number of children out of school in the middle of the day. How will we continue to build our country if we aren’t educating our children? Look at the number of people who fail to go to church, but pray God keeps food on the table. Look at the people we choose to elect to run our country. Look at our educational system. Look at the statistics of domestic abuse, child molestation, new HIV and AIDS cases. Look at the number of robberies and home invasions because people would rather do this than make an honest living. I could go on and on. We expect better for ourselves and for our country but we have settled. We expect others to make things right, but we sit around and do nothing. Sure the election is three years away, but now is the time for whoever wants my vote to start earning it. Don’t show up when you need me Mr/Ms Politician, show up when I need you.

  5. I wonder why we are so into who will be the next leader of either Party
    when it is 3 years before the election. Let’s face it, under the present system, you and I appear to have very little say in who will be allowed to run for any positions. It is always the same old “power brokers” who make the decision. More to the point would be a conserted effort on our part to let the Partys know that we are disatisfied with the selection process and lack of a public criteria for those who will stand for office. I would like to see a process where resident candidates from every party, vying for election in each constituency, appear before the residents of that constituency to present their credentials and express why they would make a good candidate. A second meeting would be an opportunity for residents to ask questions of each candidate so we could get their take on issues that are closest to our hearts. A third meeting would be for voting for the candidate of one’s choice and that is the person that the respective Party would run. That third meeting would be open for only card carrying Party members who are residents of the area.
    Any candidate, should be resident in the area for which he/she is running. I would be interested in what you political pundits think of the aforementioned.

  6. When I was younger I always felt that my elders should step aside and allow me to take charge.Thank God they didn’t as I soon found out that theory is much different than practical.All young Turks be they PLP or FNM must earn their strips b4 becoming a Leader of any political party. Those in the Cabinet at present must get the experience even b4 they contemplate becoming a Leader.In response to Finley who wants to know the foreign poklicy of the former administration of the PLP it was global as Minister Fred Mitchell got involved in CSME,the Haitian situation and many issues of importance to G20 countries.Lame duck Brent Symonnette’s only claim to fame is being quiet in the HOA and not travelling as the COOKIE MONSTER takes all his trips.Weasel 10/45 went to Belgium,where was Brent?I do not blame Brent for staying home as the last time he attempted to speak b4 the United Nations he was disgraceful.And this is the man u all trying to hoist on the Bahamian people?give us a break.In any party whenever the question of leadership arises again political blood will flow as everyone wants to lead even though many are called but few chosen..

  7. @Fern PC will remain leader of the PLP with Nottage becoming deputy leader going into the next election… Nottage is a No nonsense man and will help PC to make those tough decisions unlike mother Pratt who would never stop praying to help PC out… I thought that the PLP would have removed her as deputy leader going into the last election…. Don’t get me wrong, I love mother Pratt as a MP and a person but just not as deputy leader of the PLP!!

    Alfred Sears is too boring of a speaker and Fred has too much baggage out their already in the public whether true or not!!

    Paul, Fritzgerald and the other young turks need more parliamentary experience, not neccessarily leadership experience…

    I dare say that even Shane Gibson would be a good leader but he has some issues out in the public also that might damage his chances atleast for elections in 2012….

  8. Russell Johnson :I disagree with the cookie monster resigning b4 the next General Elections.He got us into this mess once again now he is trying to jump through the locked window.Hubert is so out of touch that even a child can lead him.I dont see any big deal with who takes over from him bcos they would be stamped with the label”indeciveness.Anyone who has remained in the Cookie monsters Cabinet during the stop,review and fire debacle is guilty as much as him.Birds of a feather flock together.I suggest that Cookie monster face the people in 2012 and not run away as there are scores to be settled./

    I have no problem with HI stepping aside just prior to the next election because he actually promised that he would not pass on the leadership of the party to anyone before the next election.. He did this when the sip sip started prior to the last election that he would step down after 3 years to let Brent Symonette take over as leader/PM… HI said that he asked the people for 5 years and 5 years is what he will give them!!

    But everybody knows that I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him!!

  9. rb75 :Folks,
    This was the plan what Ingraham came to do a job he took the money that he was paid to come back and did the job … stop Bahama plans for cable beach , to stop the port relocation plan and finally to stop National Health Insurance this was the plan after doing this he would ride off into the sunset and leave Brent in charge however what the FNM did not expect was a slowdown in the worldwide economy after this hap pend and when they looked back at the now disastrous stop and review policy made for a blow back in the face of HAI and now after his leadership of the country right over a cliff the FNM will find itself in a very sorry position politically ….even if Branville becomes leader I do not think that he would win the big pie the only way that the FNM can hold onto leadership is the PLP’S way out of the inter party war ….It will be a different election in 2012

    I agree 100%. I could not have said it better!! I have been expressing these views on why HI came back on other websites but people always say that I am dreaming!!

  10. Media,

    I know I will be seriously criticized but for the PLP into the next election, I believe the lineup should be Jerome Fitzgerald, leader, Brnard Nottage & Fred MItchell Deputy Leaders,

  11. Well since experience does not matter. Jerome Fiztgerald, Paul Moss,Picewell Forbes,are all poised for the next time around. Because to me the aforementioned gentlemen has aquitted themselves very well

  12. Kim I agree with you experience does not matter but what does is the person or person’s that can capture the minds and hearts of the Bahamian electorate …..Th e next election will be one to watch however it will be down to the same two political power houses that have controlled our political system for the last 30 years or so …….but in the mean time we will have to deal with the realities of the situation we will end up in debt that is a true reality the debt that this FNM administration will have left us in will go far beyond all of our years.

    Joe; I find myself really agreeing with you that Fred will never be leader i disagree with you on his performance as foreign Minister I believed that he did a great job and as for Alfred Sears in my opinion he is a technocrat and no really a politician so therefore he can’t command the imagination of the people and will be cast aside….in my opinion the PLP has no one right now that can take the leadership from Perry Christie right now and therefore will find that PC will lead the party into the next General Election’s .

  13. rudy :
    Well from what I can see it will be Obie for the PLP and ??? for the FNM. I don’t think Bran has the substance to be Leader, he is doing a fairly good job, but he isn’t ready yet. The FNM has a few others who could take over.

    I dont think it will be Obie for the PLP.

  14. Natasha, my response to Veronica was not an attack on Mitchell or the PLP, and certainly not an endorsement of the FNM. Objective Thought, you see nothing has changed right? You cannot question a Politician lest you be doing it because you support the other guy. My point is that Dr. Morris was very persuasive in my view on the radio this afternoon.
    I watched part of a programme on Cable 12 with the late great Sir Lynden as guest and I was amazed at the weak, fumbling answer that he gave to the question, “What is a Bahamian”.

    We have not thought this thing through. We have not even defined our goals for health or education, or agriculture, much less national goals. What is our national dish, our national costume, etc.? Answers to these questions are what bind us as a people, and only people who share common values can come together and build a great nation.

    I have thought about this a little lately and it is this: why were we so hot up for Independence having only been in charge for a few years? Should we not have taken at least a generation to build our civil Institutions and chart a course, and prepare our people for leadership of our institutions, and the other challenges of nationhood? The men who said the words, ‘Independence yes, not yet’, were tarred and feathered, but I find myself agreeing with those wise men today, in retrospect….

  15. Well from what I can see it will be Obie for the PLP and ??? for the FNM. I don’t think Bran has the substance to be Leader, he is doing a fairly good job, but he isn’t ready yet. The FNM has a few others who could take over.

  16. People keep talking about Branville McCartney lacking the experience that is needed to govern this country. I strongly disagree with this assessment. Who had more experience than Hubert Ingraham? Now look at the condition this country finds itself, every man woman and child in this country needs to be praying if we are ever going to get out of this mess. If we keep focusing on experience we would continue to find ourselves in the same predicament. When Sir Lynden first became Prime Minister of the Bahamas, he was never a Prime Minister before and I would say he learned on the job. We need to look for people with morals and determinations and I say experience will come later. If the Americans had focus only experience Barack Obama would have never became president. They were just tired of the old way of doing things and realized that changes were needed.

  17. Whatever indications Cookie monster made obviously are for the rank and file of his failing party.Notice that snobbish Marquis has not given a report card on these clowns?Things will not get any better for this crew and a U is the highest mark they can get in my book.So no matter the distractions by Cookie monster and his band of failures,no matter the non issuance of a report card by Marq–ass the verdict is still the same,a complete failure.The country made a mistake in bringing back a has been leader who gets an A for victimization,stoppintg projects,and fumbling the ball out of the end zone with no opposition in sight as far as our economy is concerned.I hope Cookie monster gets his feedback from this site as he does not have to pay to see that he is failing the TEST.

  18. Thomas, you like to play devil’s advocate, but you’re not very open-minded. FNMs seem to be well versed in the so-called failures of the Progressive Liberal Party. We are living in 2009 and we are fast approaching the end second year of this administration. I cannot think of one instance, a single one, in which the PM and his goons were on top of an issue. We have failures in national security, failures in education, a poor economic outlook, high unemployment rates, every other week HI is borrowing money. And he’s supposed to be the man with the plan. He’s supposed to be the one we can trust. GET OVER YOURSELF AND OPEN YOUR EYES. The PLP is NOT in power!!! The FNMs don’t know what the hell to do. They are chasing each other’s tails. Stop trying to avoid the issue and address the fact that your government is failing miserably. They should all hang their heads in shame, every last one. And maybe you should too Thomas, seeing as you sing their praises without faltering.

  19. I am no expert, far from it, but Gilbert Morris made a compelling argument. Being well known, well versed, traveling, etc. is a means and not an end.What was The Christie administration attempting to accomplish, and were they successful, and how is the success measured, quantitatively or otherwise?

  20. Well i am no expert in foreign matters, nor is Brent Symonette. But i can tell you closer ties were forged with cuba, which the Ingraham government denounced, but still kept anyway. The epa was signed under the christie government, that the fnm finished, The much talked about shengen visa that seemed to have been ignored by this government is now about to come into effect becauseof miss universe

    There were many meetings between condelezza rice and the former minister. Talks between the haitian government featured very prominently during the last administration

    Many other strides were made which i cannot bring to mind
    but compared to what we have now Fred Mitchell is very well versed in foreign policy. He is known throughout the caribbean and much more active currently, than the present minister

    Since you are so well versed in foreign matters you tell me what is this govermnents position, on the OECD, which they are tripping over on and their position on haiti

  21. @ronica7

    Gilbert Morris was on the radio with Jeffery just now and I do not think that he would agree with you.What was the Foreign Policy of The Bahamas under the Christie Administration? I dare you to respond.

  22. JOE BLOW, Fred Mitchell in my opinion is arguably one of the best foreign affairs ministers this counrty has produced bar none. He as shawdow minister of foregn affairs, makes his presence felt in geo political matters he is very infoemed about regional matters and world matters.

    As for his travels, what is the job of a foreign affairs minister does it not entail a lot of travel?
    I guess we are so accustomed to the present minister staying at home acting prime minister that we forgot we have a foreign minister

    As for Alfred Sears. He is qualified in bahamian jurisprudence, eloquent, studious, and well rounded individual

    As for zhivago laing, this is his second time around also
    and i can tell you i am not impressed to say the least
    in my opinion Earl Deveaux,and Larry Cartwright are the only two cabinet minister’s who seem to know their job and can speak to matters in their ministries spontaneously

  23. There comes a time when one must face the truth and the truth is that mr.Ingraham is in Rawson Square looking for Bay Street.In other words he is lost.I predict the 2009-2010 budget will be call”The borrow,poverty and tax them to death,”budget.Mr.Ingraham said in early 2008 that our economy was so strong that we will be able to decouple ours from the American’s.Unfortunately we Bahamians did not realise that mr.Ingraham will hitch our economy to Zimbwawe.May GOD save us!

  24. Altec :
    Here is my 2 cents:
    1. Tommy T isnt going to offer himself. he did to much damage to himself politically when he just allowed HI to come back and take his leadership position. The man didnt even put up a fight. Tommy T = No backbone
    2. The leadership fight will be between Brent and Laing. Only a blind person cant see that HI has been grooming Laing from day 1.
    3. Look out for Branville McCartney. That man is ambitious. He will be angling to be #2 and whomever side he chooses its because thats where he thinks the party’s big wigs is backing. To him this move is just a stepping stone to his ultimate goal, PM.
    If Brent or Laing fail in 2012 expect him to run for leader of the party.
    4. Carl Bethel, Phenton Neymour, Dieon Folkes, and the rest of the conch beaters arent politically viable folks.
    5. If the PLP gets its act together, it wont matter who the FNM leader is in 3 yrs.

    Mark my words, the real “dark horse” will be Hubert Minnis who is currently planning a serious run at the position. He will most likely have the support of his best pal Ingraham since Laing has tainted his candidacy with the Mona Vie debacle.

    Anybody else notice that the Punch was doing some cheer leading this morning by calling him one of the most effective Ministers despite the fact that PMH is a mess with multiple problems under is administration. Jokes!

  25. Correction :
    Did I hear someone say that the Bahamas could have a white Prime Minister?
    You know how we gatty keep up wid de Mericans.
    Friends, what you are about to see is only Act 11 of the overall plan that was set into motion in the summer of 2006. These fellas are long term planners of the first order. The fight over Brent’s position in the Party will be violent to say the least.
    Question is will Brent make it to the top in the FNM, or will the row be so divisive that it will be easy for HI’s Good Friend, Perry to slide back in again.
    Do not forget the death bed pleadings of the Old Man (LOP).
    But, by the time they are through rowing and fighting, and they get the voters pooping on each other, the economy of this Country will be zero. They it is going to take a wise man to bring us out of that mess.
    God help us!

    “If a people don’t know their history, they are bound to repeat their mistakes.”

    The Bahamas has already had a white Head of State, the entire pre-1967, pre-Majority Rule era (or half white at least, lol). The “Mericans” are following us. But, alas, “once you go black, you can’t go back”!

  26. Ronica7: Are you not tired of the “same old, same old”? Fred Mitchell uses a cabinet position to extend his travels for himself and his cronies and only “talks” the game. Yes, he dresses well and is articulate but he has demonstrated that he must have his own way and is a “poor loser” who likes to spend the publics’ money. Dr. Nottage will never “cut it as P. M. He is inarticulate at best, has demonstrated he does not have the courage of his convictions and at time appears to be completely “lost” in the House. Nice man though. Mr. Sears shows potential. He is thoughtful, speaks well and does his homework. He might be too intellectual for the rest of them to follow, though. All the other PLPs are too mired in their “old” PLP ways or too “tainted” to even consider.
    Should the present Prime Minister decide to step aside, he most likely will not feel he can, until the economic crisis has stablized. Despite how some PLPs spin everything he still is the best person we have in the political cadre for this time. Also he is well aware that the younger political aspirants need more schooling in the nuances of effective leadership. He is a man who will do his duty even if it affects his health and well-being. All in all both Partys need to do a lot of self-examination over the next 3 years and the PLP needs to attract new young blood and get a distance from their overly die-hard tendicies of the past.

  27. ronica7,

    I agree with you Branville as he mey sames to be ripe for leadership does not sway me in any direction ….but ronica7 neither does Alfred or Fred can capture the minds or hearts of the Bahamian people right now neither does Nottage at this time.

  28. Did I hear someone say that the Bahamas could have a white Prime Minister?

    You know how we gatty keep up wid de Mericans.

    Friends, what you are about to see is only Act 11 of the overall plan that was set into motion in the summer of 2006. These fellas are long term planners of the first order. The fight over Brent’s position in the Party will be violent to say the least.

    Question is will Brent make it to the top in the FNM, or will the row be so divisive that it will be easy for HI’s Good Friend, Perry to slide back in again.

    Do not forget the death bed pleadings of the Old Man (LOP).

    But, by the time they are through rowing and fighting, and they get the voters pooping on each other, the economy of this Country will be zero. They it is going to take a wise man to bring us out of that mess.

    God help us!

  29. Bahamians, sure does not take much to impress most of you
    round up some hatians, make sure be loud about get in the newspapers,be easy on the eyes.

    That sums it up for me with bran. This guy is surely not eleoquent, nor well rounded. Whomever the fnm sends cannot stack-up against an Alfred Sears, a Fred Mitchell,
    or a Bernard Nottage combo.

  30. One more thing: Now yinna know why the Tribune has been so infatuated wtth the PLP leadership. They are deflecting from the party that will have the real leadership issues, THE FNM.

    The Tribune has been trying to paint the perception that the PLP’s leadership is badly fractured in anticipation of the FNM leadership race getting ugly. Then they (The Tribune and FNM) will be able to say, “nothing to see here, the PLP’s leadership issues are just as bad or worse than the FNM.”

    In political talk its called laying down markers. The Tribune and FNM have laid down the PLP’s leadership issues and they will go back to it later in the future to shrug of or validate their own behavior that will occur during their leadership change.

    You heard it here first.

  31. Here is my 2 cents:

    1. Tommy T isnt going to offer himself. he did to much damage to himself politically when he just allowed HI to come back and take his leadership position. The man didnt even put up a fight. Tommy T = No backbone

    2. The leadership fight will be between Brent and Laing. Only a blind person cant see that HI has been grooming Laing from day 1.

    3. Look out for Branville McCartney. That man is ambitious. He will be angling to be #2 and whomever side he chooses its because thats where he thinks the party’s big wigs is backing. To him this move is just a stepping stone to his ultimate goal, PM.
    If Brent or Laing fail in 2012 expect him to run for leader of the party.

    4. Carl Bethel, Phenton Neymour, Dieon Folkes, and the rest of the conch beaters arent politically viable folks.

    5. If the PLP gets its act together, it wont matter who the FNM leader is in 3 yrs.

  32. I really do not see any bright minds in the FNM that he can possibly take with him at this point if these men relay where serious and loved our Bahama Land they would have spoken out against this tyrant putting the stop and review in from the get go …..Hubert is trying to get out of the hell storm that is about to grip us, he clearly was out of touch on how to do business in the modern times ….His FNM did not have any plans to take our country further into the future they weren’t even smart enough to kick the can down the road ….for if they had done that we would have some sort of construction going on to ease the failure of our tourism product,which was another bad move by the FNM when they cut the ad budget for tourism stating that the Ministry under Obie Wilchcombe was spending to much money…..I know I may sound like a scorched record but you do not need common sense to see what is about to happen the budget that he would have to present to the Nation will be so much in the red that Bic can buy ink from us to refill it’s pens…..folk es mark my words this In graham government will leave us so deep in debt that it will take an act of God himself to pull us out.

  33. So what if he goes?This man is clearly out of his league and by trying to be popular with his party rather than making decisions in the best interest of the public Cookie monster will not be missed.Unfortunately in the FNM he is carrying many bright minds with him.

  34. I disagree with the cookie monster resigning b4 the next General Elections.He got us into this mess once again now he is trying to jump through the locked window.Hubert is so out of touch that even a child can lead him.I dont see any big deal with who takes over from him bcos they would be stamped with the label”indeciveness.Anyone who has remained in the Cookie monsters Cabinet during the stop,review and fire debacle is guilty as much as him.Birds of a feather flock together.I suggest that Cookie monster face the people in 2012 and not run away as there are scores to be settled./

  35. Rokeche,

    You make some good points and you too Fire,

    The current group of jokers that are cabinet ministers will unfortunately go down with the ship that is being lead into a huge iceberg by HAI he has proven that he was out of touch with how to manage a country in this era but as I stated in my last blog…..Mr In graham did his job he was reinstated to stop what he stopped on his first few months in office this any blind or deaf person could off seen this….Now the question in my mind is this is the PLP ready to seek out new and exciting candidates to put before the Bahamian people and by exciting I mean young regular citizens that can capture the minds and hearts of the electorate with Perry Christie as the leader with a clear succession plan for the future or do we have a third strong party that will be formed to defeat a week FNM and stagnated PLP …

  36. Oh yeah, they need to take Elma Campbell with them too!!! They all need to form a line and depart from Bahamian politics and let some fresh minds go at it. I’m tired of these lazy-*** politicians!!!

  37. Tommy Turnquest is the BIGGEST JOKE in Bahamian politics. Well, after Zhivargo Laing, so I guess he’s the second biggest joke. You have to be kidding. Brent Symonette, Carl Bethel, Tommy Turnquest, Zhivargo Laing, Fatback Gibson, Earl Deveaux, Phenton Neymour, Charles Maynard, and Jacinta Higgs should ALL GO WHEN HUBERT GOES!!!!!

  38. There will be a different election in 2012, but believe me at this point NO FNM or PLP should be sure of anything. Now is the time for both parties to regroup and the race and the face of the parties have to be different. I for one, along with a host of other Bahamians want and expect higher standards from both parties. This thing they have going on now with the “politricks” and BS that has gotten us stuck into this rut will not suffice. WE NEED BETTER!!! WE DESERVE BETTER!!! What’s that saying? It’s better in the Bahamas. Surely not with the likes of HAI, he should have stayed in retirement. Because as the lady said before, we have gone as far as his imagination can take us. HE should admit though, that there really isn’t anything left in the kitty to steal. But I digress. Both parties need fresh ideas about how they can take our country to the level which we need to attain to be competitive in other areas. We are feeling the effects of what decline in tourism bring. We are soon to feel the effects of more regulatory banking systems. We are soon to feel the effects of open American travel to Cuba. Where does that leave us in our capacity to maintain our economy. We need more formative and inventive ideas and politicians who can thoroughly progress in ways that have a single focus, and that is to ensure the betterment of our country and its people.

  39. Folks,

    This was the plan what Ingraham came to do a job he took the money that he was paid to come back and did the job … stop Bahama plans for cable beach , to stop the port relocation plan and finally to stop National Health Insurance this was the plan after doing this he would ride off into the sunset and leave Brent in charge however what the FNM did not expect was a slowdown in the worldwide economy after this hap pend and when they looked back at the now disastrous stop and review policy made for a blow back in the face of HAI and now after his leadership of the country right over a cliff the FNM will find itself in a very sorry position politically ….even if Branville becomes leader I do not think that he would win the big pie the only way that the FNM can hold onto leadership is the PLP’S way out of the inter party war ….It will be a different election in 2012

  40. While he’s packing he needs to carry that cry baby Zhivargo Laing with him, because I could see him trying to set him up as leader.

  41. It is time for Ingraham to step aside and give room to a more young and vibrant politician like Branville McCartney. Who I believe would definitely make a great leader. I was very impressed with Ingraham style of governing the first time around and I thought he made a great leader, but the last time around he was a big let down and he needs to go and go now!

  42. Tristan :Halleluiah Ingraham is Departing from Poliitics. I still believe the best Economic Plan he can give is if he resign forthwith.

    I have to agree with you on this. I think that Mr. Ingraham deserves respect for his personal achievement of becoming PM three times, but he is not good for the Bahamas and he should seriously considering stepping down for good this time. This has nothing to do with age more than what works, we have gone as far as Mr. Ingrahams imagination and will can take us, it is time to move ahead.

  43. Mr.Ingraham claimed that he only wanted 2 terms but i knew at the time he made this statment it was a lie .Now that the country’s GDP is shrinking,unemployment is exploding,the hospital and clinics are without medication,BEC is on life support,the courts are a dismal failure,poverty is the fastest growth industry and sensible Bahamians have lost all confidence in him and he is now known as a massive failure.He wants to distract us from his total lack of leadership and good stewardship on our behalf.Tell mr.Ingraham to go NOW.

  44. Finley – I would be shocked if Bran is anointed by HI. Whoever is anointed will be the next leader, it will not be an open race.

  45. Halleluiah Ingraham is Departing from Poliitics. I still believe the best Economic Plan he can give is if he resign forthwith.

  46. What are the names of these Insiders who are asking the PM to stay on as Party Leader, and to what end? Do they think that the PM will live forever, like Hyman Roth? Bran is the man to take the helm. It is better for him to seek the Party Leadership now while he has popular support, and is still free from the tentacles of the so called “Insiders’…