Ministry of Tourism says the 'Toilet Paper' is BEST? BEST FOR Bathroom use


tourism-sur4When we were directed to this article we could not believe what we were reading. The Ministry of Tourism, yes the same people who went down to Inagua and didn’t know what the best kept secret is, now suggests that the Toilet Paper is the most popular newspaper in the country.

Now hold it! Could someone please slap the hell out of us for day dreaming? Are we seeing what is being said here? The Toilet Paper is Number ONE BY THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM? No wonder why the MOT is catching so much HELL and cannot attract tourist to these islands. One would believe tourism officials would be working overtime to find out what GUESTS READ. And what are the popular papers in Europe and in North America. NOT asking Bahamians in FARM ROAD what they’re reading here in Nassau?

That’s like going in the Straw Market and getting a survey on who is the best STRAW VENDOR! WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY? You mean to tell us between the minister and his director none of them know guests come from the US and EUROPE and NOT BAIN TOWN AND FARM ROAD? As Joe Blow once said on this blog, “Lord keep your hands upon our shoulders and our hand on our lip.” Cause it looks like when you need a DONKEY in this country dese days, just call up the Ministry of Tourism.


  1. @JR
    As we have said before, Bahamas Press belongs to you the people, NOT US! This is your website. This is a forum for you to express matters where the leadership has failed us. And it is for you to tell us what is occurring in your neck of the woods.

    Now as we told Joe, WE EXPECT NO EPISTLE. Nothing longer that 4 to 5 paragraphs. Break it down in parts if it is longer. KEEP IT factual, and without expletives. Oh and if you say, “AN MP has exceeded his water bill into the thousands” don’t expect us to publish that UNLESS we are also supported by evidence.

    When we started on that Andre Birbal story, people thought we were kidding, but we have FACT when you see us write things on here. COLD HARD FACTS, LIKE THAT former PLP MP who IS NO WHERE IN THE UK!

    So bring it on people! email articles, photos, documents to ….

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. Anyone notice how every six months or so, the Tribune writes an article just like this? This one is the first time I see them citing someone else for their so called numbers. This is all hogwash. Media, I hope the offer isn’t only for Joe. Some of us have some things to say too that a comment can’t handle.

  3. @Joe Blow
    Good Joe, GOOD, so I know you can now go to Hubert and tell him your a writer on Bahamas Press LOL! But I do appreciate your consistent commentary on matter you continue to ask us to cover. So here is your chance to fulfill your passions. Now if you look at the post on here, we see NO EPISTLE according to the book of JOE. However, keep it at a manageable length or section it in parts, (e.g “Local Government Part 1).

    We look forward to your contribution.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. Well media, I was not too sure of what the point of your article was and I was really responding to WOW anyway. Sorry you think I am a deflector because I don’t always take the path you think I should. I do like to look at both sides of a subject. At no time have I indicated Bethel should ignore the alleged instances of pedephilia in this country! And thanks for your invitation, I appreciate the opportunity to contribute articles when I can. Read my first post all the way through. It would be interesting to read some poll answers to questions proposed by you. Quite frankly I read the Tribune and the Punch on Mondays and Thursdays- one for the business section and one for the silly entertainment factor The others I read not at all.

  5. @Joe Blow
    Well said JOE, WELL SAID. Now, what does that have to do with the contents of this post? What does having the clean environment, which we have often promoted, has to do with the topic at hand?

    This post talks about the TOILET PAPER BEING NUMBER ONE, a survey carried out by the Ministry of Tourism. When it ain’t suggesting Carl ‘UNDERNOURISHED’ Bethel was right to ignore the BIRBAL pedophile crimes, you come on another post talking about verges? Come on man, stick to the topic at hand and STOP BEING THE BIGGEST DEFLECTOR this WEBSITE has ever seen!

    And if you wish to talk about matters you think should be discussed, write a piece on it and WE WILL POST IT as a news item and not as a comment. We have said this before, Bahamas Press belongs to you, THE PEOPLE! So JOE if your want to write an article something that is warranted for discussion. CLICK THE ‘CONTACT US’ BUTTON at the top, send it and we will post it. What you will find out is this, YOUR views and positions will be POSTED, just like every other writer on here.

    NO matter the topic, EVEN IF YOU SUPPORT CHRISTIE, We will post it, THAT IS NO PROBLEM!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. The Ministry of Tourism has looked at the comment cards of tourists and are responding to those comments as they should. First and foremost are the environmental issues. Working in conjunction with the Ministry of the Environment and Works I see a definite effort to clean up the verges and garbage heaps that proliferate New Providence. The shame here is that our people have no pride of country when it comes to keeping our environment clean, green and pristine and it really doesn’t matter who is in charge. To give credit where due, the dividing up of this island into 8 sections was a great idea as this suggests to the Bahamian people that this government is interested in their citizens and not just the tourist areas. The Ministry of Works is very busy repaving those roads that are going to be used by the various convention traffic that will be here for the next few months. If our attitude is as it should be we can entice the convention goers back for private vacations. The Government can provide the opportunities but it is up to us to make their stay safe, comfortable and a good experience. If you take a drive along West Bay street, you will see all the new breakwalls being errected and the points of interest parking spaces being provided for our enjoyment. Add to that all the well marked beach access openings. These are all positives that we should be touting to one another instead of continually being consumed with the negatives. Constant negativity brings down even the most optomistic of us and adversly affects our well-being.

  7. Why is the Ministry of Tourism wasting time doing this anyway? Shouldn’t they be more concerned with attracting Tourist to the country? Isn’t this a job more in line for the Department of Statistics?

    You can get a survey to give you any results you desire if you are only going to ask 300 people.

  8. Media: The words were “FATHER, keep your arms around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth”. This was a survey of bahamian newspapers responded to by Bahamians. As with any poll taken it is subject to the population being explored. 300 is a small number, but that number appears to have rated the five in their order of preference. They were not asking tourists to rate the newspapers so I am at a loss as to your point. I notice that you have a section related to pole taking and have a large number of Bahamian responders to this site, so why not pose the question to your contributers. As to why this pole was taken, I guess only the Ministry could answer that question.

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