Young Bahamians Partying into the morning in Miami at Lit Miami Bahamian Dj Event…


Miami| Lit Miami is an annual event held in Miami Florida with only Bahamian Djs.

BP was invited to this year’s event but we did not take up the offer. Hundred were at the annual event though including scores of Bahamas who flew into Miami just for the weekend part held on Saturday and Sunday (Things are not so tough for many after all).

The event opened and the Bahamian national anthem was the joke joke on display.

One DJ asked: What kinda democracybis being practised in the Bahamas these days where you cannot work, cannot leave your house or come outside!?

The audience had us for jokes! Well all we say is this; the country must now welcome the return of Corona and he cousins!

Those in attendance few who wore masks will be back home in the Bahamas this week! Prepare for another surge of infections!

We report yinner decide!