ZNS Staff Finally Paid at 5 pm on Friday, May 17 – STAFF NEVER PAID THE PROMISED $900 lump sum…


BCB medical insurance bill was not paid by the Corporation! Minnis dem running the country into the ground and don’t know what to do! They have NO PLAN!

Prime Minister Minnis at BIS and ZNS management and staff back in 2017. (BIS Photo/Kristaan Ingraham)

NASSAU| After an angry two days, ZNS’ staff were finally paid 2 days after the day they were scheduled to be paid.

Staff is paid on the 15th and 30th of every month but every since this new financial controller came to be, staff has been paid late.

This is coupled with the fact that the Government of the Bahamas is broke as hell and struggling to make payrolls. ZNS budget has been busted and money all around the country is running short.

Sick staff went to seek medical attention before pay day, only to be turned away because their medical insurance bill was not paid by the Corporation. What is dis?

The sick employees had to go home and wait to be paid to go back to the doctor, but that failed as well because their pay was two days late. The medical insurance remains unpaid for staff!

BP’s source deep inside the basement of the Corporation has told us that this same new “Snail’s Pace, Don’t Care About No One” Financial Controller was in this position in the past, but was removed because thousands of the Corporation’s money walked out the door.

The Hill Thrillers were not too THRILLED about that so she was removed. The monies were never returned and all was forgiven when the trail went cold. 

The morale remains very low on the hill and the union is on stand by to launch a strike because no one received the mystery $900.00 that was to hit their bank accounts with their regular pay.

We Report!! We Decide!