Charles "Pillsbury Doughboy" Maynard is a Big Fat Stupid Idiot


<<< Charles “Pillsbury Doughboy” Maynard.

Nassau, Bahamas — We here at Bahamas Press were quite amused to see the coverage we got from the “Wutless Toilet Paper”, the Tribune this morning. That lousy paper refused to call our names but everybody and their Granny has now read the story on Bahamas Press concerning the “Pillsbury Dough Boy” Charles Maynard and his foray to South Africa.

Charlie is a dumb person and a stupid Politician. According to the rules of engagement in Politics, you do not spread propaganda on yourself. He ought to know that he has created more interest in this story by going to the Tribune. While they refused to call our name, our hit count has gone through the roof. It is the nature of Bahamians to be curious. So we want to say thanks to Charlie for the free publicity.

We now answer the Toilet Paper, we can truly say that we “Swear to the Dogmas of no Master”, can you do that?. That paper has been schilling for the FNM from the inception of that party. So it was no surprise that Charlie ran to them for relief. We are not a sponsored site nor do we depend on ads to survive. We support both FNM and PLPS of our choosing. We happen to support Brave Davis as well as Bran McCartney, Desmond Bannister, Dr. Hubert Minnis, Larry Cartwright, Michael Halkitis, Kenyatta Gibson and Hope Strachan.

We have now unleashed 12 Field Marshals on the ground in Golden Isles and we urge all of our readers in that area to register to vote today to get rid of this Mongrel, Charles Maynard whenever elections are held. He is unfit to serve in the Cabinet of this Country and only a person with a similar Reprobate Mind would appoint him to such an office.

We have not attacked your wife Charlie, in fact we feel sorry for her and what she has to put up with. You talk about internet laws, you should persuade your Government to pass the Freedom of Information Act that you bragged about during the 2007  campaign and is listed in your Manifesto. That is what is needed, this is not North Korea, you cannot censure the World Wide Web, grow up and stop being a Papa’s boy. You have now joined the ranks of our enemies that was previously headed by Carl Bethel.

We will now start publishing information that are in our possession from your Ministry. We will start with all of those so called Consultants. What does Desmond Edwards do for that Ministry? Is he engaged as a Consultant and if so what are his terms of reference? Has he ever been in the building? We will wait to see if you run back to the Tribune before we start our investigations in earnest. Be warned, the gauntlet has been cast, the ax is laid at the foot of the tree and the Woodsman Cometh!

By the way Charlie, you went to the Doctor for your shot yet?


  1. R J, if thats your contribution to all that was shared here, and to the nasty article that was done on the minister………

    and I won’t be lending another word to this obscenity

  2. What a difference a subject makes,as Charles nor any of his colleagues saw fit to dfend Cheryl Bethel from unfair attacks that threatens to derail her career.Bethel has a family and a young daughter but the Govt machinery wanted to obliterate her.Finley,kross,decosta said nothing.Shane Gibson also has a wife none of these characters defended her.It is good for Govt members to gat a taste of their medicine as they would now see how the public has to continuually stomach the poison thy are meting out.When doughboy attacked Davis he was grinning but now when he is getting a taste he cries like a coward.Charles for your sake back off as you cant win a war of words.And by the way cool PC also has a family but you would not know it from the unrelenting attacks on him.And Decostaaka bahamasyouth nice try but too transparent.

  3. Bricbrac, it’s important to get your facts straight before engaging in public forums such as this….. Was Mr. Maynard a member of the parliament during the Shane/Anna Nicole debacle…. Try not to be used as a pawn and allow yourself to be strung along with foolishness!

    This is most disrespectful as was well put by Decosta.

  4. Perry, you would have a point under normal circumstances, Charlie is a nasty vicious person, just view his behaviour in the house. He was the first to attack Shnae Gibson on some alleged affair with Anna Nicole. He had no regard for Shane’s family. He attacked Brave Davis, he had no regard for the Davis family. I say, when you live in a glass house, do not throw stones. One only has to go to the Commission’s report on the section of Charlie’s father and one would see why Charlie should not go down that road. He now knows how it feels. I know BP very well and I believe there is more blows coming Charlie’s way, so brace yourselves.

  5. I see, you guys seem to like gutter talk. well keep coming here, you’re bound to get it here!

  6. Dear Sir(s)/Madam,

    As a confessed PLP, I sometimes feel ashamed that we, here in The Bahamas, cannot seem to disagree with political opponents, without calling them unnecessary names. Why is that?

    Minister Maynard, represents the Government of The Bahamas, that includes all of us. The people voted for their choice, I or you might disagree vehemently, but they are still the Government (governors) of the country.

    Let’s grow up in our politics and let them rule, and govern in the manner, in which they think is right. And, if you or me want the change and leaders who we think can do a better job, we do it at the ballot box.

    Find another way to get, gain support for your views, other than name calling to attract more following and followers.



  7. To some extent I agree with Thomas Finley but I in no way sympathize with the good Minister. His behavior in the house has been very disappointing. In my view, he is a FNM Clown and he is capable of much more than he is presenting.

    As far as all the awful things that is being said about the restaurant – The Corner Hotel serves some of the best food around town and many tourist and decent Bahamians visit that place regularly. The hotel slso employ a number of our bahamian brothers and sisters.

    So please attack Minister Charles if you wish but leave the hotel out of it.

  8. He was behavin’ nasty in public eh 17? They said the same about Tommy, say Tommy doh have no behaviour…

  9. Thomas wicked, cruel heartless, evil and iresponsible behaviour is what the Minister is. He should be ashamed of his actions and shut down. How in the world do people like him have a ministry responsible for the future of our Nation; Youths. I’ve witness frist-hand this Hon. Minister( spoken extremely lightly)in action with myself and my peers and the Bahamas would hang their heads in shame if they saw his disgraceful behavior. Minister Desmond Bannister was truly a statesman and a blessing. God help us if that is all we are now able to put forth. Our leaders ought to know better and DO better!!

  10. Oh my gawd…why are you people so wicked, cruel heartless and evil? This irresponsible behaviour will cause sites like these to be shut down in The Bahamas. That will be unfortunate, but it will be our own fault.

  11. lol! Boy this country laughing at you! gone africa and carry on dutty. we know how you party at home so judge MILESSSSSS away from ya lord

  12. LMMFAO!! Man i weak. What shot BP? why he need a shot?

    I was always baffled at how the hell he found his way in politics, this man as i knew him was always a no good pimp, who lived the party boy lifestyle, when i saw him run and win i said what is this country coming to when a man like that is a minister and of youth of all things. say censorship of the internet, tell charles carry his sudgy u know what. they need to screen them prostitutes that be in an out of his motel, and send the ministry of health down there to investigate the nasty filth that surrounds their kitchen. NASTY DOG is what charles is.

  13. BP, I am advised that there are several so called consultants at that Ministry who do not show up at work. The people that work there do not even know who they are. They include Eddie Ford and Arlene Nash Ferguson. I am told that she makes big money and has never been in the building. I think you should do a story on this Minsitry and the monies paid to these people who do not earn it. Poor people have been sent home and the Govt cancelled the temporary jobs programme. Keep their feet to the fire BP. This is a well written story.

  14. YOU KNOW WHAT THIS CHEAP DUMB FAT FOOL TELL ME when I was trying to hustle one piece of scholarship to go abroad he told me he went to COB so enn ntn he could do and laughed. Well anyways he’s a fat bastard. BAHAMASPRESS BRING UP MORE OF HIS CORNER MOTEL DIRT!

  15. The minister is delusional. He is now preaching for the censorship of the internet. WHAT MADNESS! CHARLES MAYNARD YOU HAVE NO SHAME!



  16. BP, I cry shame on Charlie running to the Tribune like a little sissy. He allowed himself to be used by Hubert and now when blows come, he holler like a little girl.

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