Another daylight bank robbery with flying bullets



Injured police officer shot in the face.

Another police was shot on the side of her face by armed robbers. The officer responded to a radio call and was fired upon by the robbers as she arrived on the scene at Scotia Bank on East Street south. Eventually the robbers were caught by officers as they tried to escape in their get-a-way car. Police have confirmed that one of the three suspects now in custody was on bail for another matter (MURDER?). Bahamas Press assures our readers that we would guarantee that this same individual now on bail will soon be released again to continue the violence, based on what is going on in the judiciary. We understand according to the ‘WUTLESS media’ that there was no one killed in the incident. However Bahamas Press would like to know if that is the case, why was the coroner van at the scene of that shooting if no one was killed? Initial reports coming to us said a security officer was shot, a teller was shot, two of the suspects were shot and the police officer was shot.

A few weeks ago a headless body was discovered in the South Beach canal, and police said it was a suspicious death, and NOT a murder. Today they now announced the body was washed ashore and could be a Haitian national. Amazingly, now police know it was washed ashore, perhaps they can tell us how the head got off as well. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.


A line of emergency vehicles racing to hospital after a Scotia Bank robbery on East Street and Soldier Roads.


  1. What is going on in Nassau. I am afraid of the way the Bahamians are living today. People are killing one other…What is the problem and who are you people turning to for answers?

    It is a sad thing to see and watch your news about all the horrible crimes play out by the locals. Stop the Killing Nassau and talk about the issues.


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